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Adriel's Pov

I stared at the ceiling wide awake, the party ended 4 hours ago but no matter how hard l tried, sleep would not come to me.

Mother always tried her best to make me happy hence the party and l love that but just a few books from my favorite authors would've be sufficient for my birthday. I tried once more to get some sleep but once again it was a failed attempt

"Wait no stop" a voice said l got up looking around to see who it belong to, maybe I imagined it surely there's no one here but me

"You can't take those" images of someone grabbing boxes from a grey looking hut popped up in my head

What was that, am l going crazy? Why am l hearing and seeing things vivid images of a small girl flashed before me she was crying, why was she crying and why am l seeing visions of her?

It's midnight and l haven't slept a wink, and now l'm hearing voices this might be the brains way of telling me I needed to get some rest

I twisted and turned for hours before sleep finally came
Dad has been giving me private training so l could defend my self if needed I treasure the time we would spend together because he's mostly busy having to run a pack


"Come on adriel focus, where's your head at" father swung his sword at me
Truth be told I was still thinking of that odd girl I imagined yesterday does she even exist? Why did l see her.

"You're usually focused son, what seems to be bothering you" he came closer concerned showing all over his face

"I'm fine dad, I didn't get much sleep last night" I hadn't told him about the visions l got

"You know son, you can talk to me about anything"

I simply nodded

"Let's continue this tomorrow" he suggested

I didn't like going out so instead of training on the training grounds he'd teach me in our back yard
l preferred it that way
I sighed What kind of alpha will l be if I don't like mingling with my own people

I often wondered why I was like this, why wasn't I like other kids my age going to school, playing football I just wasn't interested.

"Boys dinner!" Mom shouted from inside, we got up from where we sat and headed in

Just another boring day in my life l thought as l sat at the dinner table

"Adriel I was thinking you're due for your first change soon and I think you should come with me and the pack warriors on our next hunting trip" dad spoke up

It wasn't my idea of fun but I didn't want to disappoint my father

"Okay" I replied

"That's my boy"

"Are you sure he's not too young" mom pipes up

"Babe he's 15 l started these things when l was 12"

"Mom it's fine, the experience is good for me"
She looked a bit skeptical before replying "well fine, but don't let anything happen to my son"

"Sure, because I didn't help make him or anything" my dad snorted sarcastically

mom glared at him and he cleared his throat "sure honey he'll be fine"

"May l be excused?" I asked permission to leave the table

"Its just 6pm adriel why do you want to go to bed that early" mom questioned

"I'm just a bit tired, l didn't get much sleep last night"

"Okay" she answered

I got up making my way upstairs into my room and took up some of the books for my lessons tomorrow

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