nightmares and rain

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Adriels pov

I woke up to thunderstorms outside

Naya was rocking back and forth on the bed crying

"Hey are you okay" I asked worried

She shook her head scooting to the furtherest corner on the bed

"Thunderstorms" she said screaming when the lightning flashed

How did my parents not hear that?
I got up and quickly got in bed with her

"Hey" I scooted closer towards her "its okay, you're okay" I hugged her "you're okay, l won't let anything happen to you" I rocked back and forth trying to comfort her "you're safe with me"

I've talked more tonight than I've talked in my entire life trying to get her to calm down

After some time she calmed down and fell asleep on my chest

I looked down at her sleeping face if l move now I'll wake her

I couldn't risk it so l decided to just sleep there

I woke up reaching over for my phone to check the time, it was 9am

oh no mom usually checks on my at 8 I looked down at naya still sleeping on my chest, my arm ache from being in this position for so long

I slowly got up not wanting to wake her l creeped downstairs to see if anyone was awake yet

There in the couch sat my mom and dad with their hands folded

"Who's that girl and why is she in your room?" My mom asked and l sighed what should l tell her she already thinks I'm not normal what will she think now when l tell her something woke me up in the middle of the night to go find her

"Her name is naya" l said

"Yeah and?" She looks at me expectantly

"Uh... l took a walk around 12 last and l found her at the east side of the pack in a shed guards were about to beat her and l stopped them and brought her here"

"So you brought a strange girl here to sleep in the alphas house" mom spoke once more

"I know how this looks mom but its like something inside of me was drawn to her" I said too much

"When she wakes up l need to talk to her" l simple nodded in response

I walked back upstairs to see if she was still asleep  when I opened the door she was there sleeping with her hair spread out all over my bed

It was the most beautiful sight I've ever seen I couldn't stop staring
I sat in the couch not taking my eyes off her for a second

Who was this girl?

Eventually l went for a book on my shelf and started reading

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