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{ A/N, I'm probably going to do my chapters like this for now on. One chapter will be from a Third persons PoV, then the next chapter will be Jeff's and/or Ben's }

  { Ben's PoV }

I dressed into some sweatpants and a tee shirt. I put on my house shoes before leaving the room and going to the kitchen, sighing as I rubbed my eyes. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me from behind.  Knowing who it was, I smiled and leaned up against him, looking up at his face. Jeff chuckled and kissed my forehead before letting go of me. "It's on the counter." He said, then walked away.

Knowing he meant my breakfast, I walked into the kitchen and went over to the counter. I sat on one of the stools and began to eat the cereal, staring at the wall as I did. It was just going to be another boring day, huh? There's nothing much to do in this little apartment. Especially when you're alone. On the weekends, Jeff would normally go out to the bar. I wasn't really into that stuff. Sure, I would have a few drinks at hone from time to time, but it wasn't that often.

He'd just leave, around ten to twelve, and come back at two. Sometimes later. Jeff normally violent when drunk, though there have been nights when he came home all pissy. But, normally, he'd just come in and go to bed, wake up with a hangover, and complain about all day. I always act like I don't mind it, even though I do. But I love him, and nothing can ever change that.

I sighed and put away my bowl into the sink, then walked back to our room, going to see what Jeff was doing. He was sitting on the bed, looking through a comic book. I chuckled and sat next to him, looking over his shoulder to see the page he was reading. Jeff glanced over at me, a smile appearing on his face as he did. He put down the comic book and wrapped his arms around me, then kissed me.

I, of course, kissed back. He ended up pushing me back on the bed after a minute or two. Once he pulled away for a breath, I got him off of me and pushed him over, making him lay on his back while I crawled on top of him. "Watch'ya gon' do to me?" He asked with a grin on his face. I smirked and rolled my eyes. I kissed him lightly before getting off of him and chuckling. It was fun to tease him.

He pulled a groan out of his mouth, muttering something under his breath that I could hardly hear. I closed the door to our room called Jeff's name, wanting him to look at me. "Yes?" He asked, turning on his side and looking at me. I shook my head. He gave me a confused look as I pulled off my shirt and sweats, taking my house shoes off before anything.

I then walked over to my closet and pulled out something else to wear. "You going out tonight?" I asked as I put on the clothes. "Mhm.." He said, nodding his head slowly. I nodded in response as well. "Oh."

{ Jeff's PoV }

He get's mad when I don't spend time with him. He says I always go to that stupid bar and get wasted there. Well, I do. He just doesn't like the fact that I choose to go there instead of staying with him. He always says that I could be seeing someone there, though I always assure him I'm not, but then he just says, 'of course'. It got me mad that he didn't trust me, but I just shook it off. I'll let him think whatever his little mind wants him too. I swear, the only thing I do there is drink and bullshit with the other guys there. But Ben doesn't believe me.

I sigh. I guess another reason he doesn't like me going there is because of those ceretain times I came home with a bad attitude. I promised him I would never hurt him, and I haven't so far, but that's what he worries about. Which, of course, I understand.

Ben walked back over to the bed and laid next to me, facing me. I smiled at him. He just rolled his eyes. Sighing, I out my arms around him and held him close. "What's wrong?" I asked. He muttered, "You always go to that dumb bar, anytime you can." I rolled my eyes at his response to my question. "Dear God, Ben.." I sighed as I kissed his cheek. "What's so wrong about it? I'm aloud to have a little fun, aren't I?"

"Yes, but whenever you go every weekend, when we actually get to spend time with each other.." He trailed off. "Ben, I always spend time with you. From the time I get home to the time I have to go back to work or school." I say in an unamused tone. Ben sighed. "Whatever.." He mumbles before pecking at my lips.

I smiled at him, telling him I love him before grabbing the comic book again.

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