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It was no longer winter. No, but now it was summer. The new year had gone by pretty fast for Jeff and Ben.

Jeff and Ben were sleeping on the couch. They passed out on it the night before, watching cartoons. Jeff soon woke up, since Ben was moving around everywhere. Jeff sighed and rubbed his eyes, moving strands hair out of his face afterwards. "Bubba.." Jeff called out quietly. He shook Ben some, trying to wake him. Ben groaned in response. He only swatted away Jeff's hand and stuffed his face in a pillow. Jeff chuckled and crawled over him. He turned Ben back over and kissed him.

Ben just smiled and shook his head. He opened his eyes and stared up at him. Jeff smiled. "Finally.. How'd you sleep?" He asked. Ben shrugged. "Okay, I guess. How about you?" "I slept fine. Until you woke me up by kicking me." Jeff muttered. Ben laughed and cupped Jeffs face with his hands, then pulled him down some and kissed him. Jeff, of course, kissed back.

Jeff soon pulled away. "Hey.. You wanna have a walk? Like.. Right now?" Jeff asked Ben, hoping he'd say yes. Ben made a confused face. "Um.. Okay?" He shrugged and sat up. Jeff smiled. "Good, I'm gonna get dressed."

Jeff soon came back into the living room, dressed on his hoodie and jeans, along with his converses. Ben looked at him and chuckled. "You should fix your hair." He said, getting off the couch and walking to their room. Jeff sighed and ran to the bathroom to fix his hair. He left it to find Ben back in the living room, dressed in almost the same thing Jeff was wearing. Jeff smiled. "Let's go."

The two were soon outside, walking on the sidewalk. Jeff had one hand in his hoodies pocket and the other hand held Ben's.

Jeff soon stopped themselves at a large tree. "Something wrong?" Ben asked, looking up at Jeff. Jeff sighed and smiled slightly before letting go of his hand and taking something out of his hoodie's pocket. Once Ben caught the slightest glimpse of what was in his hand, he covered his mouth and looked back up at Jeff, who had gotten down on one knee. Ben, being the emotional type, couldn't help bit let a few tears of joy escape his eyes.

Jeff opened up the box and held it out.

"Ben," He began. "Will you marry me?"


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