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The next day both of the boys stayed at home. I mean, it was now Saturday after all.

On the weekend Ben normally played his video games or drew. Jeff, on the other hand, always ran around outside with his older brother, Liu. Other than that he'd play on his phone or watch TV. Well, today he wanted to go and see Ben, get to know him more. He thought they'd be great friends.

Once Jeff walked up the steps to Ben's house he knocked on the door. A short, kind of overweight, man opened the door in almost Two seconds. "What do you want?" The man asked Jeff. "I came to see Ben.. I'm a friend of his at school.." He answered the man, who he suspected was Ben father. "Friend? Ha! He has friends?" He said that in an amused voice. "Well whatever.. Come in." He mutters, walking away from the door and going some place else.. Probably the kitchen. Jeff rolled his eyes and nods before walking into the house. "He's upstairs in his room!" The man yelled from another room. Jeff sighs and runs up the stairs, looking around for Ben's room. "Ben?" Jeff says as he stops at a light purple door. He knocked on it, hoping for an answer.

He could here feet run across the room from inside. Soon the door opened to reveal a blonde headed boy. Ben. Jeff smiled at him. "Hey! I came over to see you.. Wanted to get to know you more." He says to him. "Oh.. Uh, well okay! Come in.." He says quietly as he ran back over to his bed and jumped up on it. Jeff followed him and shut the door behind him.

He sits beside Ben on the bed and looks around the room, "Wow.. You're a good drawer.." Jeff says, noticing the few drawings that were hanging up on the wall. Ben smiles and nods, "Yeah.. Thank you." He says as he looks down to his lap. Jeff then looked back at Ben and smiled again. Anyway, so I now know you like to draw.. What's your favorite color?" Jeff asked. "Purple.." Ben answered him. "Nice.." Jeff grinned. "Okay.. Cats or dogs?" He asked Ben as he took off his shoes and got brang his feet up on the bed. "I prefer cats." Ben shrugs, smiling as he scooted over to the end of his bed. "Dogs. I see you like video games.." He said as he glanced over to a bookshelf that was mainly filled with video games. "Oh, yes! Especially the Legend Of Zelda series.." He says as he looks over at he games with a nod. "Yep.. Do you?" He asked Jeff, referring to the video games. Jeff then shrugged. "Eh.. Not really. I sometimes play them but... No." He answeres him. Jeff moved closer to Ben and gave him a grin before shoving him playfully. "Heh.. Nerd." Ben looked at him and furrowed his brows, pushing him back. "I am not a nerd.." He mutters, crossing his arms and turning his body away from Jeff. Jeff laughed and shook his head. "Awe.. You're adorable, you know?" He grins widely.

End of two.

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