Chapter 2- Official?

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Talia's POV:

I woke up and it took me a second to remember where I was, and I remember yesterday. Me and Simon had only known each other for a day, but here I was, waking up in his bed with cuddled up to him with my hand and head on his chest. I have fallen for him completely already, and though I feel that maybe were rushing things, everything just feels right. I look up towards Simon and just seeing him when I wake up makes me happy. I start drawing circles around his stomach when he slightly shifts and I look up to see his eyes open. He looks down towards me and a smile grows on his face.

Simon- Well this is new (We both laughed and I hugged him tightly).

Talia- It is but I like it.

Simon- Me too.

I repositioned myself to be on top of him as I straddled him and I leaned in and kissed him passionately. As we broke apart we smiled and stared into each others eyes still intimately close.

Talia- Good morning.

Simon- Good morning to you too

All of a sudden we heard a knock at his door and we realized nobody else knew we were here. I quickly ran into the bathroom quietly and Simon went to answer the door.

Simon's POV:

I open the door and it's Josh and Freya.

Simon- What's up?

Freya- We just wanted to check if you were awake it's like after lunch, were you talking to someone?

I didn't know what to say because I wasn't sure how people would react to Talia staying over the night we meet, and it's not like anything happened either.

Simon- No.

Freya- Okay, it must of just been me hearing something.

She walks off and Josh just shrugs his shoulders and follows her. I close the door and Talia returns from the bathroom.

Talia- That was close.

Simon- It's not even like I don't want to say anything to them, but like I'm not exactly sure how to explain it or how they'd react. Just everything happened quickly and it felt so right.

She wraps her hands around my neck as mine go above her waist.

Talia- It did feel right, and I know we only met eachother yesterday, but I really like you.

Simon- I really like you too (I lean in and kiss her softly). How about this, let's go out for an early dinner.

Talia- Like a date?

Simon- Yes, a date.

She smiled and jumped into my arms and kissed me softly.

Talia- I would love too.

Now all I had to do was figure out where to take her, she went in the bathroom to get ready and I started to think of where to take her. I eventually decided on a nice Italian restaurant and I made the reservation. After I finish the reservation, the bathroom door opens and Talia is standing there with just a towel on and water dripping down her skin. She looked stunning. I pull her out a new sidemen hoodie as well as another pair of the leggings and I go into the bathroom to get ready as well.

A couple hours later.....

Talia's POV:

We were all ready to go out and now it was just leaving the house. It sounded pretty quiet outside so we made our move, we exited Simon's room and went down the staircase, and just before we were about to leave we heard a shout from the kitchen.

Freya- I KNEW IT!

Now realizing that we had to explain ourselves, we walk into the kitchen and notice Freya and Josh both sat in the kitchen, neither looking surprised.

Freya- I knew I heard you talking to someone earlier Simon.

Simon- Yeah you got me (Simon laughed it off).

Josh- Okay so you've gotta catch us up cause I'm lost.

Talia- Well, last night after wireless when we came here. It just managed to happen that I ended up staying here.

Freya- Okay babe, you've gotta give me some more deets.

Freya gets up and pulls me away to another room knowing I would tell her than.

Freya- So what's up, are you guys dating, have you kissed?

Talia- Were not dating yet at least, but yeah, we've kissed, multiple times.

She squealed a little and it made me happy how excited she was for me.

Freya- I can tell he likes you too, from the moment I saw you guys first meet there was an instant connection.

Talia- I really, really like him.

Simon's POV:

Freya had just pulled Talia away and I was left in the kitchen with Josh.

Josh- Come on mate, you can tell me.

I explained to him everything that happened, I knew I could trust him, he had always been a good friend.

Josh- Okay, so what are you thinking of doing now.

Simon- I think I'm gonna ask her out tonight, is it to early though, I don't wanna screw things up?

Josh- Simon, it's clear to see that Talia likes you just as much as you like her, what matters is how you feel for eachother, not how long you've known eachother.

Simon- Okay mate, thank you.

Well I guess there it was, I had a plan. Freya and Talia came back to the kitchen and Talia returned to my side.

Simon- Ready to go?

Talia turned to me and smiled and interlocked her fingers with mine.

Talia- Yep!

We exit the kitchen and head for the front door.

Freya- Have fun!

Josh- But not to much fun (he joked)!

We laughed as we go out the front door, and head out to the restaurant.

A few hours later, back in the car after dinner....

We were back in the car after finishing dinner and it couldn't have gone better. We got to know each other a bit better and all in all had a really nice night. Now we were back in the car, and this was my chance I think.

Talia- I had a really nice night Simon, thank you for dinner.

I smiled back at her and interlocked my fingers with hers.

Simon- Me too.

This was my chance, I had to do it now.

Simon- Talia, I know we only met yesterday, but honestly it feels like I've known you for a lot longer, and I like you a lot. I know it's early and I don't want to rush you so I understand if you say no, but do you want to be my girlfriend?

There it was, I put everything out on the table. Time started moving so slowly but I look over to her and her eyes are watering with a huge smile on her face.

Talia- Yes Simon, I really really do.

She crawls onto my lap and straddles my legs as we begin kissing passionately. Things were getting a little heated but than we bruh realized we were still in public. We broke our kiss and laughed.

Talia- We will finish that later (She says seductively as she is biting her lip)

She crawls back to her seat and we set off for the Sidemen house. Everything had gone perfect tonight, and I had the most beautiful and incredible girlfriend next to me. I felt so happy.

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