Chapter 11- Birthday Nightmares

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Simon's POV:

Today was Talia's birthday and we were having a party at the Sidemen house for her. The party at this point was in full swing and me and Talia were dancing together for most of the night. She whispers to me that she is going to go up to the bathroom and kisses me on the cheek before running up the stairs and entering the bathroom. It had been about 6 minutes and she hadn't come back and I was starting to get a little worried. I set my drink down and subtly walk upstairs enter my room and knock on the bathroom door.

Simon- T, you okay?

I heard no answer so I open the door and see Talia on the floor unconscious, I notice some blood on the counter and I look at the open wound on her forehead. I quickly get on my knees beside her and pull out my phone and call JJ.

JJ- Simon what's up, where are you?

Simon- I'm upstairs, Talia is unconscious, I need you to get everyone to leave, tell Josh to call an ambulance.

I hear the phone drop before I hear JJ loudly ushering people out. After a few minutes there was no noise except footsteps rapidly coming up the stairs. The room to my door busts open and it's Josh and Freya. After 20 minutes the ambulance arrives and we had carried Talia downstairs to make it easier and they bring in a stretcher and place her on it before quickly heading towards the ambulance. I hop in the ambulance with her as everyone else gets in cars and follows us. I hold Talia's hand and look at her worryingly as the doctors talk about there worry for the amount of blood she's lost. We arrive at the hospital and she gets rushed into the ER and they told me they'd come find me when theres news. All I could do now was wait and sit here and worry. Josh, Freya and JJ came in but they knew that there was no point in comforting me right now, the only thing that could calm me down right now was the news that Talia was okay. I sit in the corner of the waiting room just staring off into space and I start crying, I don't cry that often and I knew that odds were more then likely she was going to be okay but even just the small bit of uncertainty had me worried. It was now 3 hours later and Josh, Freya, and JJ had all fallen asleep in the room but I was still sat here with tears in my eyes. I am just staring at the wall when I hear footsteps come towards the waiting room. I immediately think that it's someone just walking around before it stops and a voice comes.

Nurse- I'm looking for a Mr. Simon Minter.

I shoot up out of my seat and look at the news with hopeful eyes.

Simon- Yes, I'm here.

Nurse- Ms. Mar's condition is stable and we have managed to stop the bleeding. She is still asleep but she should be up soon and you may go in and sit in her room now.

I breath a sigh of relief. I consider waking Josh, Freya, and JJ but I just leave them to sleep and head into Talia's room. I open the curtains and see my girlfriend with a bandage around her head sleeping soundly. I sit on the chair beside her and hold her hand and wait. Josh Freya and JJ come in and sit on the couch at the end of the room. I tell them they can go home if they want but they all said they wanted to stay. I was scrolling through Twitter when I heard a slight shift and I quickly looked towards Talia who's eyes were slowly opening and adjusting to the light. I didn't want to be to loud or to sudden or quick cause I didn't want to scare her. She squeezed my hand tightly and looked towards me.

Talia- S.. Simon.

Simon- It's me T.

Talia- Where am I?

Simon- At the hospital, you slipped in the bathroom and hit your head on the counter and got knocked out. I'm so glad your okay.

She smiles at me as she rubs my cheek and we quickly kiss. Freya, Josh and JJ all walk over and greet her before the nurse returns to the room.

Nurse- Okay so Ms Mar your all clear to go now whenever your ready. I slowly help Talia up from the hospital bed and help her get to the bathroom to get changed back into her clothes. She comes out and we slowly walk out to Josh's car and set off for the Sidemen house. When we arrive Talia had fallen asleep so I pick her up and carry her upstairs. I thank Josh Freya and JJ one last time before I head into our tok and close the door behind me and set Talia down, I quickly strip down and Talia asked me to help her as well so I did and I crawled in next to her. She wraps her arms around me and cuddles into my neck.

Talia- Thank you for everything today, I know everything didn't end great but I had a really nice birthday and it's all thanks to you.

Simon- I'm glad you had a great day Talia, and although it wasn't the best end all that matters is your okay.

Talia- I love you Simon, with all my heart.

Simon- I love you to T, happy birthday.

We kiss softly one last time before Talia passes out on my shoulder and I follow suit, happy to have my girlfriend okay in my arms.

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