Chapter 3- The Next Step

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Simon- We pulled up to the Sidemen house and I step out of the car, Talia had fallen asleep on the drive so I walk around to the passenger side and I pick her up. As I'm picking her up she stirs a little bit as a smile comes up on her face as she tightly wraps her arms around my neck and tucks her head into my neck. I couldn't help but smile, I never expected this to happen, Talia was my girlfriend. I walk towards the door before I realized I didn't have enough hands to open up the door. I walk over to the kitchen window thankful to see Josh and Freya sat in the kitchen eating dinner. Freya sees us and rushes over to the door to let us in. I tried to be quiet as I walked in not wanting to wake Talia up. Freya and Josh started whispering to me.

Freya- So I'm assuming everything went well?

Simon- Yes, everything went perfect.

Freya- Okay, bring her to bed we'll talk to you guys in the morning.

I smiled at them as Josh patted my back and I head up the stairs. I had left my door open, thank god, so I head in the room and set Talia down on the bed and go back to close the door. I turn around to notice Talia with her eyes open smiling at me.

Simon- Sorry for waking you up, I was really trying not too.

She sat up and wrapped her arms and legs around me as our lips locked in a passionate kiss.

Talia- It's okay.

We both giggled as we lay down and started cuddling. I than realized that we had never talked about what we were doing with our relationship, privacy wise.

Simon- So, I just remembered we have some things to talk about regarding us.

Talia- We do?

She looked at me worryingly, I definitely could of phrased that better.

Simon- Like privacy wise, are we gonna tell our friends, the fans, and if not when and how long will we wait, and how will we hide it.

Talia- Well I think with friends, at least with Josh and Freya it's impossible, but maybe with other people we wait a bit longer.

Simon- Okay, sounds good to me, and with fans I think we should keep it private for now, I really don't want you getting any hate.

Talia- Hate?

Simon- My fans don't exactly take change the best, and there's a lot of those "stans" on Twitter so you never know what will happen.

Talia- Okay, I don't mind keeping it a secret from the fans, I just want to enjoy being with you.

Her saying that made me smile, and I leaned in and kissed her. We ended up deciding that we weren't going to have sex tonight cause we don't want to rush things. We crawled under the covers together and fell asleep, for the first night as a couple.

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