A step to forever... Maybe?

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Ryliee's POV:
"Yay another day at school!" I murmured sarcastically to myself. I wish school would go faster.
As I go up for lunch, someone bumps into me.
"Oh! I'm so sorry!" The boy says.
As soon as I look up, I see those deep chocolate brown staring right at me.
Your tall, masculine body, comforting me in the slightest way, but still noticeable.

"Thanks." Is all I manage to get out without blushing.
"Nice catching you, the names spencer. You?" The boy says
"Ry-l. Ryliee" I manage to say.
Now I feel like the blushing is noticeable.
"You wanna sit with me at my table?" Spencer says.
Now I seriously can't stop blushing!
"Of course I would" I say.
Spencer's POV
Ryliee, what a pretty name for a pretty girl.
I just met her. I can't like her. I hardly know anything about her.
I manage to squeak out an invite to my table for lunch to her, but that's basically it.
I hope it's not noticeable that I'm blushing so hard, but it probably is.
Ryliee's POV:
As soon as I got there, it felt a little awkward. But I got used to it after a while. Hoping it would be my usual spot.
Oh how I dream!
Spencer's a nice guy. I hope.
"You want something else?" He asks me.
I reply with a simple head nod. No.
As soon as everything was settled, we started talking about out lives interest and futures.

Could I really be falling for him?
I have those thoughts as soon as he leaves the table for some napkins, I must say, he's kind of a klutz too!
As soon as I stop daydreaming, I realize he's been gone for a while.
How long does it take to get napkins?!?! I murmured to myself underneath my breath.
I walk down the hallway, I stopped midway.
I thought my eyes were hallucinating from all the daydreams I had, but you were actually kissing someone else. I mean, I should've known you had a girlfriend, but my best friend? I starting tearing up. I dropped my books and ran away. But I was thinking to myself. Why am I so upset? Why am I afraid of loosing you when your not even mine?
I'm saying these things all over in my head while I hear you running down the hallway. Toward me.

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