Just some friends

426 14 6

Malaysia P.O.V
My stomach doesn't hurt that much what really hurt is when my head hit hardly against the floor.

"Why The Fu-" I growl and I sense someone behind me.

"Malaysia. You idiot what did dad say about words like that?!" Brunei yelled slapping my cheek.

"Little brother. Whats wrong with you? You need to Chill" Myanmar said.

(tell me if translation is wrong)

"Fine. Pergi ke neraka Brunei" I said.

"You Jalang!" Brunei said as I point the middle finger. Then Indonesia appears . I forget that these 2 are ghost whisperers cause they go though my stuff.

"Who is that!?" Brunei said.

"Uhhhh" I start sweating.

"I think I know this guy" Myanmar says looking at him. Indo seemed confused.

"Ah. I remember this child. Britain took you everywhere." Indo said.

"Yep. Is it true you really-"

"Yeah Yeah. The boy who died from slipping on soap" Indo said rolling his eyes.

Both my brothers start laughing, I join in.

"Pfft Lelaki ini secara praktikynya adalah jenaka" Brunei said.

Myanmar rolled his eyes saying something in Brumese I didn't understand and me and Brunei look at each other confused.

"Can we stick to english QwQ" Myanmar said.

"Yes" I responded questioning life after what Myanmar said. Then I slipped and Indonesia caught me. Brunei starts yelling me for 10 minutes talking about how I was disrespecting Islam in Malay And Myanmar gave me a lenny face. We walk home.

I took a short nap in my bedroom. Maybe an hour?

When I walk out of my bedroom Britain gave me a look. I tried to see what he was looking at. Indo smirked. Myanmar seemed happy and Brunei starts to freeze in terror. They all look at my neck.
"What are you all staring at?" I asked.

"Malaysia did you have some short of affair with a certain someone?" Britain asked.

"No- AHHHHHHH" I screamed as I look in the mirror, I saw 3 marks on my shoulder to neck area. I fainted on the floor.
"I love you" Someone said.

Indonesia P.O.V

I cough as One of Malaysia's brothers starts yelling at me.

"Brunei, What the bloody hell are you yelling at!?" Britain said.

○_○ Britain can't see me. Might as well have some fun! I carried Malaysia up stairs.

"WHAT THE-?!?!" Britain looked scared of Malaysia. Two thing run in my mind. Myanmar entered the room.

"Well you scared the crap out of Britain, and Brunei today" Myanmar laughed.

"I guess I did. You could say I spooked them~" I said.

"By any chance did you date anyone in your life?" Myanmar asked as I put Malaysia on the bed.

"...America is is useful" I get out a uno reverse card from my pocket.

"You....No I'm not dating anyone. never have." Myanmar said.

"oh? I thought you and Thailand were close~" I said as he seems silent.

"She likes another person and I won't be near..." Myanmar said.

Then I tell him for some privacy he goes away.

Now it's just me and Malaysia. I started to think of what to do?

Creator note- Next part/Chapter may include sexual activity. (I only did this cause dirty mind got to meQwQ)

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