Failed(my clean mind scared me QwQ)part 3

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Indonesia  P.O.V

I started to get of top of Malaysia. He looked kinda cute. I bit his neck softly, he was still alsleep. I thought no, I'm not doing this. My body kept moving by itself  I couldn't stop. Then my hand were about to take of Malaysia's shirt. I'm starting to get regrets. Then Malaysia wakes up. Oh sh!t.

"Good mornin-AHHHHH!!!" Malaysia was freak out. I got off of Malaysia and I smirked why is it my body?!

"Dude. What the h€ll?!" He said then slapped me.

Malaysia P.O.V

I would've used my magic but, I slapped him instead. Britain looked at me as I came down the stairs.

"oh, for the love-"I looked at the mirror....

"Malaysia what the he// did you do?!" America asked. I was so angry.

Canada stares at Indonesia. Australia and New Zealand are scanning the scene. I hide under America's legs.

"oh, is it a rapist...SH*TY DEMON GO TO HELL!!!" Canada said with his axe to
Indonesias neck.

"I died already I can't possibly die second time" Indonesia said moving the axe.

"Just let me go to school!" I said running outside.

"FREEDOM FROM THAT @$$ B*%CH FAMILY, AND INDONESIA!!!" I yelled getting in the bus.

The seat next to me was the only empty seat. It was fun to be alone. Then...

"Ahhh. Hey Malaysia ~" Indo said.

"Give me my damn peace!" I said as I look for Mexico.

"You brought this on yourself Malaysia ~♡" Indo said getting closer.

"I'm just....I'M SICK OF YOU!!!" I Scream.
I became the new bus gossip. Great....Just amazing....Indonesia sighs looking dull.

Half way through the road there was a car accident.

"Aw trucks! I'm late for school." I said.

"Sorry kids your going to walk to school." The bus driver said opening the doors. It's a 5 mile walk! I'm lazy as he!!.  Indonesia got off the bus with me.

"Indo you can't go to school with m-"I was cut off with "Watch me." Indonesia carried me bridal style. He followed the other kids for directions. I was tired of trying to tell Indo to knock it off. I feel asleep. Then I woke up.

As Indo put me down every kids stares at me.
Then all us bus kids had to explain.

My new teacher Japan. It was Japanese Empire, I'm lucky I got his son as my teacher.

Because he is young enough to understand high school nowadays. I sit down near Mexico.

"H-h-hey Students I'm Japan. I'll be your language teacher.

"I hope you all know the school guidelines. I-I-If im wrong on a question just tell me. Or if you have any questions please let me know right away!" Japan said bowing down.

A student raised her hand. "y-yes?" Japan asked.

"Your so cute!" Itally said winking. I look in disgust. Mexico does the same.

Japan stammered a lot like a mental break down. Sadly South Korea was our teacher. I'm not saying I hate him it's just because....HE ALWAYS ATE HIS DAMN LUNCH INFRONT OF ME! Not anyone else..Just...Me. Also right when I'm hungry ( ;∀;)

"안녕하세요(hello)." South Korea said smiling.
The class went smoothly then "형(older brother) what are you doing here?!?!" South Korea said looking at the entrance. Everyone had their direction turned.

"Well you need to get your lunch you left it on the counter" North Korea said, handing South Korea instant kimchi noodles. Oh no it's going to happen. Might as well turn away.

Then class during lessons I get hungry and next thing I know during a test he is eating right in front of me. I try so hard not to look but it smells so good. Then oh Lord I'm saved by the bell. I rush out the classroom getting the first tray in the lunch line. It's a bowl of rice🍚. It's the best thing in the menu because everything else is moldy, cold, and raw. I eat quickly before I get picked up by Indonesia.

"What now??? p(╬ Ò ‸ Ó)q" I said.

"Shush. We need to run. " Indo said concerned about something. I walk to next class but Indo wasn't with my actions so he drags me to the library.

"LET GO OF HIM YOU POOP HEAD!!! " Mexico said charging at Indo in full speed. Indo drops me and I had my normal life back. Just me and Mexico talking and walking Philippines joined us and my day was happy from there out.

Creator note: I'm too scared of someone saying this is offensive so I decided I just can't do it....

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