Chapter Two

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Hermione slipped in through the huge doors and tried to make her way to her seat next to Harry without being noticed. She was mistaken in thinking she could just sneak in, Eyes were on her the whole way down the isle. Ignoring them, she sat down with relief, just in time for the sorting.

Hermione found herself drifting off into her thoughts again. Random moments kept popping up in her head from last year. Thinking about it, they had been very lucky to have survived without being caught. Their protective spells worked, they escaped Godric's Hollow, Gringotts... And most importantly they destroyed the Dark Lord. Though it didn't come without a price. They had lost so many. It was heartbraking. Hermione had to hold back a tear at recalling the memories. Thankfully this year would be peaceful. At this she tuned back in.

Professor McGonagall was finishing the sorting. "And finally, Jessica Watts." The young girl hopped up onto the stall and barely a second after "HUFFLEPUFF!" Cried the sorting hat. A loud cheer erupted from the Hufflepuff table and the girl was congratulated by her house. Hermione smiled at the scene.

As the feast appeared on the long house tables, students started to talk excitedly to their friends. Hermione looked round to Harry and Ron. Harry nudged her and quietly asked "You seem really quiet today. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yeah, I no-iced. Has someint happene?" Ron was trying to speak through a mouthfull of of pie and the sight was quite amusing.

"Ronald. Do not talk with your mouth full!" She giggled. "It's ever so rude and you're lucky I even understood what you said. And no. Nothing has happened, I'm just tired and keep drifting off."  She tried to give them a reassuring smile and looked down to her plate to avoid eye contact. What she was really thinking was Everyone has changed so much. And why did I see Draco Malfoy looking at me. Actually, why am I even thinking about that, it probably wasn't even him. Why Malfoy kept popping into her head she wasn't sure. She supposed she was just worried he'd have some evil plan to ruin her peacefull year.

Turning in her seat, she peered over to the Slytherin table and scanned it for Malfoy's silver hair. Her eyes stopped at Goyle who was stuffing his face and she automatically started searching that area for Malfoy. When she realised he wasn't there she felt a sudden confusion. Malfoy was always with his followers. She then spotted him further down the table picking at his food. He was nowhere near his friends which she thought was strange. The only person near him was Pansy Parkinson who was trying desperately to flirt with him. Hermione started smirking at the sight. Malfoy looked somewhat disgusted at the attempts.

Hermione couldn't help herself. "Harry" She whispered, holding back a laugh. "look at the end of the slytherin table." Harry, noticing the amusement in her voice turned round and watched the scene with her. They both started laughing as Pansy pushed her chest outwards and tried to trail her fingers up his arm. Malfoy shook her off and looked up, noticing he was being watched. Harry turned quickly away  laughing into his hands and quickly started disgussing it with Ron.

Hermione, though, found herself looking into the grey eyes that belonged to her enemy and noticing something different. They seemed lighter, more friendly. She started to concentrate on what was different but just as she tried Pansy tugged on his arm and he glared at her. His eyes returning to their normal state of solid ice. Hermione noticed Pansy mouth "Why were you looking at Granger?" And turned round quickly to yet again face her friends.

The feast dissapeared as the last of the students finished off their meal and Professor Mcgonagall instructed the Prefects on what to do. Hermione already knew where she had to go and said her farewells to her friends. She wouldn't be sharing the Gryffindor common room with them anymore and it seemed like quite a loss. Though she was excited about her position as Head Girl. It had always been an ambition of hers. "I'll see you tommorrow at breakfast" she said, hugging Harry and then Ron.

Then she hurried off to find Professor Mcgongall. The Professor was waiting by the teachers' table and set off into a small classroom when she saw Hermione approach. Hermione followed, intrigued to know what the conversation would be about.

The Professor seemed to notice what Hermione was thinking as she said "We are just waiting for the Head Boy and then I will explain why I called you here, Miss Granger." Hermione nodded and sat in her seat, now wondering who the Head Boy was and why they hadn't been informed of anything like they usually would have.

At that moment, Someone walked in and before she could turn to see who it was, Professor Mcgonagall said "Ah, Mr Malfoy. Nice of you to turn up on time." Hermione's heart dropped. How could Malfoy be Head Boy. Not only would they have patrolling duties together but they would share a common room. Great. "Now, Things have been slightly different this year. As you know, the reconstructing of half the school took a great amount of time and effort. Therefore I have been very busy, especially with the role of Headmaster. This is the reason neither of you have been informed of the other's role. This is also why you know nothing about your duties and have none untill the morning."

Hermione tried to say something and raised her hand slightly but was cut off by a look from the Professor which shut her up immediately. "I have taken into consideration the ongoing dislike between the pair of you. But also, I believe that you can easily resolve it and I have faith that you both (she said 'both' whilst deliberately looking towards Malfoy) will be proffessional. Argue all you may but I want to here of no magic that either of you has used against the other. I am talking to you Mr Malfoy!" Hermione glanced round to her enemy sat next to her and noticed the smirk that was spreading across his face. Thank goodness someone is happy. I couldn't think of anything worse! "You are both adults now and therefore I expect grown up behavior.

"You will be sharing a common room as you already will know. There have been some changes to the whereabouts of the heads' common room as the origional was destroyed in the war. It is now located on the third floor. Miss Granger, you will know where it is as your escapades in your first year took you to it's very location. Now, if you both would follow me, I will escort you to your common room."

Hermione and Malfoy followed in silence as the Professor led them to the place they would be spending so much time together.

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