Chapter Five

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Hermione talked to no-one the next morning. She kept her head down and studied hard. It was all she could do to concentrate as her thoughts kept drifting to last night if she didn't. She had no idea why it bothered her so much. She just couldn't believe how insensative Malfoy had been towards Ron.

As the day drew on Hermione couldn't help but want to comfort Ron. She suddenly felt selfish and cruel about the whole situation for not sticking by him. Maybe we could work? Maybe it was just a mistake? Her thoughts troubled her all day and so, after carefull thought, she decided to ask Harry and Ron to come to her Common Room.

Hermione asked them at dinner and they were more then happy to spend some time in private. The three of them headed to the common room, Ron and Harry desperate to know where it was. But Hermione simply told them, "Shut it and find out when you get there."

The pair of them laughed when they saw where it was and when Hermione told them about dreading Fluffy would still be gaurding the trap door. It seemed so long ago that they had joined Hogwarts.

Seeing Harry and Ron cheered Hermione up temporarily, though she did want to talk to Ron alone. Harry made this easy when he left to meet Ginny in the Gryffindor Common Room and Ron stayed for a while, having nothing else to do. Hermione wanted to tell Ron everything. She wanted to explain the regrett she'd been feeling all day. Malfoy was nowhere to be seen, which she was greatful for.

"Ron" She said, looking into her lap. "I need to talk to you about something. It's been bugging me all day."

"Fire away" Ron looked at her encouragingly but she could see he was nervous by the sound of his voice. Hermione decided to get it over with quickly and spoke rather fast. "Well, I was patrolling the corridors with Malfoy last night and we were arguing like you could expect and well, he mentioned you and I automatically got really defensive. He made me think that I should be standing by you and that I was selfish for letting what we had go. It's been bugging me all day, Ron. I don't know what to do." She looked up at him awkwardly, not knowing how he would react.

"Hermione... It's not selfish."

Hermione interupted him, not wanting him to pin the blame on himself. "Only because I said you were shutting me out. Only because I didn't take into consideration how you were feeling about...."

"Listen to me." Ron was suddenly right next to her, staring into her eyes. "I never wanted to hurt you. I care about you, Hermione. But I don't think I can feel for you in that way. I feel like a huge chunk of me has been ripped away and there's nothing you could do that would heal it." But Hermione wasn't convinced. She felt so guilty for everything and this was all because of Draco 'Bloody' Malfoy. Ron leaned in to her, pulling her close. She searched his eyes for the warmth they used to bring but found nothing. Next thing she was kissing him, searching for the spark, the fire that should burn inside. Nothing. The kiss lasted a while, it seemed they were both trying to find what they used to have. It felt natural and easy but Hermione knew that wasn't enough.

A door slammed behind them, making them both jump apart. Hermione hadn't heard Malfoy enter the room and neither had Ron. "Malfoy" They both said before Hermione looked to her lap where she pretended to be interested on a thread on her robes. 

"You did the right thing. You know that better then I do." Ron comforted her. He obviously felt nothing too. "Atleast we both know that we gave it our best shot." Hermione nodded, looking up and feeling a weight lift off her shoulders. The rush of emotion had obviously just been spurred by Malfoy's comment the night before.

"I best be off anyway. Will you be alright?" Ron asked. He was such a good friend. She was glad she hadn't lost him in that way. "Sure, thanks." She smiled, seeing him to the door.


In the morning when Hermione opened her bedroom door, Malfoy was in the common room, apparently waiting for her. He looked up when he saw her enter and went to speak, quickly changing his mind.

"Malfoy" she greeted him, unsure what to say.

He looked shocked at her greeting and snarled "Have fun with Weasel last night then? Could of kept it more private. I do have to walk through that room, you know."

Annoyed at his comment, Hermione sub-consciously defended herself. "Excuse me! It's none of your business what me and Ron do and where. And if you must know, there is nothing going on betwean us. We ended our relationship before and were just double checking we made the right choice."

"Phhhh" He smirked. "Sure didn't look like it from where I was standing." Hermione couldn't help but notice how fake his smirk was. It could barely pass as a 'Malfoy Smirk'. Though he acted like he'd stood in something disgusting, his eyes and body told a completely different story. He was tense and still, barely moving. His eyes were large and wide as if he were questioning her.

"W-What is it to you, Malfoy?" She muttered, not wanting to use a bitter tone when he looked so vulnerable. "I mean, it's not like we knew you were there... You scared me to Durmstrang and back when you slammed the door."

"Sorry, but I wasn't expecting to walk into my common room to see two people making out on the chair I was going to sit on."

"Malfoy... Did you just. just say sorry to me?" Hermione gasped, unsure what was happening.

"No. Well yeah, I geuss I did." He muttered. "Kinda'" he looked up at her then started to walk away, briskly to the portrait door.

"Wait..." Hermione called, without the faintest idea what she was doing. "Thanks" She half smiled and made her way to breakfast, her head full of questions.


What do you think? I hope the bit with ron was okay, I felt really cruel seperating them but I thought it was reasonable. Hahaha. After all, the story is about Hermione and Draco.

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