Birthday Tickle

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Warning: This fanfic contains fluf and tickles and stuff.
Exclaimer: I do NOT own Steven Universe. It is a cartoon by Rebecca Sugar. :)
Ship: Bismuth x Pearl
Roles: Pearl- Lee, Bismuth- Ler
Summery: Pearl becomes a bit too cocky on her special day, so Bismuth puts her back in her place.
Word count: 1,260

It was June 15th. The crystal gems were getting ready for a special occasion. It was Pearl's birthday today. Steven wanted to through Pearl an amazing party with all their friends! He knew the gems could help, too. "Okay guys," Steven said to the small crowd of crystal gems in the living room, "Pearl is in her temple room, probably getting ready for her big day. But we need time to set up her party!"

The gems all nodded. On the couch in the living room were Amethyst, Peridot, Lapis, Bismuth, Ruby and Sapphire. Ruby and Sapphire wanted to be apart so that they could find two nice outfits to wear, so when they fuse, it'll be extraordinary.

"Okay, Amethyst and Peridot, you two are taking care of the fun party activities, " Steven requested. The two high fived each other and went off.
"Ruby and Sapphire, you two take care of the decorations. You're both really good at it," Steven said. The couple giggled to each other and they walked off holding hands."Lapis and I will take care of food and invites. Bismuth, I need you to distract Pearl for a while. Think you can-?"

"Of course!" Bismuth smiled. Steven gave her a thumbs up and they all went their ways. Bismuth walked up to Pearl's door and used her colorful gem to open it. "Hey BDAY Girl!" Bismuth beamed. Pearl, startled, turned around and saw Bismuth. She was on top of her little pool where she had her swords.
"Bismuth!" She exclaimed as she hopped down and walked through the water to get to her. "Pearl! I gotta whole day planned just for you! Let's get going!" Bismuth grabbed Pearl by the waist and put her on her shoulders. Pearl giggled and smiled gleefully. Bismuth rushed to the city.

"So, what are we doing?" Pearl asked, holding tightly onto Bismuth. Bismuth smiled, "Well, first we are gonna go to the fair. Then we will go to that fancy new dinner place you wanted to try for lunch. Then! We can dance!"
Bismuth notice Pearl's cheeks beginning to grow a light shade of blue. "T-that... sounds delightful, Bismuth," Pearl said, shyly.

Her shyness went away later on after their plans. "Ready to go back home?" Bismuth asked Pearl who was now walking beside her. Pearl gasped, "No! Not yet! Let's go to the pier!" They walked to the pier and looked at the bright blue ocean. It was quite a sunny afternoon.
"Bismuth..?" Pearl started. "Mhm?" Pearl blushed a bit, "Um.." Pearl knocked out of it and put her hands on her hips, "C-can you pick me up again? I can't really see the view that great." Bismuth chuckled, "What do you mean? Nothing is blocking your view." "As the birthday girl, I demand another piggy back ride!" Pearl teased, snobbily.
Bismuth smirked, "Oh, sure your majesty. Here, let me help you up." Bismuth grabbed Pearl by the waist, but unexpectedly squeezed it. Pearl squeaked, "Eep!"
Bismuth's smirk grew wider and devious. Pearl blushed deeply. "What's the matter, Pearl? Didn't you want me to pick you up~?" Bismuth teased, wiggling her big fingers very slightly on Pearl's sides. Pearl began to snicker a bit, but tried to hold back her laughter.
"N-noo! I-I cahan see just f-fihine!" Pearl let out. "Are ya sure? Nevermind, let me just give you a little boost!" Bismuth picked up Pearl and swung her into the air, catching her bridal style. She looked down at the nervous Pearl and gave her a cynical look. "B-bismuth no! Please!-"
Bismuth dug her fingers into Pearl's stomach and Pearl lost it.
"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!! NONONO! HAHA! BISMUTH PLEASE! I CAHAHANT TAKE THIHIS!" Pearl shrieked and tried to pry Bismuth's hand off of her tum.
"Aww~ You are just the cutest thing!" Bismuth teased, watching Pearl's blush get deeper. She switched to tickling Pearl's ribs.
"EHEHEHEHE NOHOHO STAHAHAHAP! PLEHEHEEASE!!" Pearl was extremely ticklish everywhere. Bismuth knew, it's just been a while.
"But I thought the princess commanded she be picked up?"
"No can do, sorry missie. Maybe, next time, don't be so harsh on your servents."
Bismuth tickled Pearl's armpits and this caused Pearl to scream with laughter.

Bismuth gave Pearl a break. She swung Pearl back onto her shoulders. Pearl's grasp on Bismuth's head was a lot more clenched. Bismuth held onto Pearl's ankles to protect her from falling since she was weak.
"Hmm~" Bismuth thought out loud. She reached up and arm and held Pearl's waist. Pearl got nervous again, but this time the ticklish sensations didn't come from that hand. She felt cold air brush against one of her feet and it hit her.
"N-no! BISMUTH!" Pearl shrieked.
Bismuth had already begun.
Bismuth used her other hand to lightly tickle Pearl's sides. Pearl felt as if she were going to poof.
"I warned you about being snobby!"
"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! BUHUT IT'S MYHYHY HAHAHAAH BIRTHDAY HAHAAHHAHAHAHA!!!" Pearl's laughter turned silent and Bismuth knew she had enough.

Bismuth stopped the tickling. She held onto Pearl's hands as Pearl sat on top of her shoulders. She didn't want to risk getting attacked by Pearl. She wanted to savour this moment of victory a while longer.
"And we are home!" Bismuth chimed. She set Pearl down and Pearl looked up at Bismuth. She blushed. "You are mean!" She crossed her arms. Bismuth just chuckled and ran her hand through Pearl's pink hair. Pearl smiled and giggled. Bismuth then covered Pearl's eyes with her hands.

"Bismuth...? What are you doing?" Pearl asked suspiciously, "If you tickle me again I will bubble you how you are!" Bismuth's shoulders shook as she tried to contain her laughter. "Oh you think that's funny-?!"


Pearl gasped.
"Happy Birthday, Pearl!!" Everyone said.
"Oh my!" Pearl awed.
Everyone from beach city was there. Even some other gems they had met were there. Spinel was there dressed as a cute clown. "Happy Birthday party girl!" Spinel said running up and booping Pearl's nose. Pearl smiled at her kindly, "Thank you so much!"

Steven, Amethyst and Garnet walked up to Pearl. Steven hugged Pearl by the legs, "You made it in time! I hope Bismuth kept you busy and fun!" Pearl blushed and Bismuth winked, "Oh she did~"
Amethyst laughed, "Congratulations! You're 11,001 years old!" Pearl put her hands on her hips and glared at Amethyst. Amethyst laughed nervously. Then Pearl giggled and patted Amethyst on the head.

Garnet was holding a cake and wearing a very classy but cute outfit. It was a mixture of a blue sparkly party dress and a scarlet colored tuxedo top. "Happy Birthday, Pearl. I hope you and Bismuth had fun today," Garnet said in her usual british tone. Pearl smiled shyly. Then Garnet bursted out laughing, "Kidding! I know you guys did. The only  possibility for you two was having a great time."

Pearl started to tear up. "Thank you everyone!" The rest of the night was fun filled with sword duels and dance battles. Best birthday Pearl had ever had.

Hey guys! I know it's kinda long, sorry about that. Let me know what you think? Who should be next? Should Pearl get Bismuth back? ;)

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