She Misses Lapis

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Hello fans! ^-^ Apology for not posting lately, here's a new story for you!
This story takes place after Lapis flew away with the barn into space, and Peridot is miserable in Steven's bathroom. Amethyst and Steven try to cheer her up.

"Ack, come on Peridot! Please open the door, I really would like to use the actual toilet this time!" Steven whines, knocking on the door. Amethyst comes downstairs and sees Steven at the bathroom door. "She's still there??" Amethyst asks. Steven nods, "What can I say? The bathroom is a great place to mourn." Amethyst groans, "Okay Peridot it is time to come out now! You've been in there long enough!" Steven and Amethyst hear a depressing groan coming from inside the bathroom. Amethyst growls and pulls her whip out of her gem. She uses the whip to latch onto the door knob and swing the door open. It makes a loud crash and Peridot yelps a bit in fright. Then she smacks her face back down on the cold tile floors. Peridot mumbles, "You could've just opened it.. the door wasn't locked..." Amethyst shrugs and Steven kneels down next to Peridot. "Come on," Steven says, "Let's go, we're going to go visit Amethyst's kindergarten! You can tell us a bunch of stuff we don't know!" Peridot groans, and Amethyst picks her up and carries her.

On the train...
"Why are we taking this bumpy motion ride...? There is a perfectly good working warp in the kindergarten we could have taken.." Peridot groans. She's curled into a ball, and refuses to see the view of the countryside. "It.. reminds me of Lapis and the barn.." Peridot feels like crying again. Steven and Amethyst look at each other."How do we get her to stop being so sad?" Amethyst whispers to Steven. Steven thinks, and then he finally gets an idea!

Amethyst and Steven turn to Peridot smirking mischievously, and although Peridot is turned the other direction, she can sense something was sketchy. Steven walks over to peridot and sits next to her while she stays in her ball pose. She doesn't turn to look at him either. "Hey, Peridot~" Steven cooes and pokes Peridot's exposed side. Peridot flinches ever so slightly. "Please smile for us, we don't like to see you like this," Steven says. Peridot groans. Steven then runs a finger down her side. Peridot yelps out loud and jumps up! Steven giggles and Amethyst laughs. "D-don't you dare!" Peridot had just recently discovered what a 'tickle' is. She searched it up and it looks rather painful and irritating. She didn't like to be forced to laugh.

Steven grasps onto her sided and begins spidering up and down her sides. Peridot gasps and snickers, wailing her arms about. "AH! Ehehehehehe!! S-stop! I commahand you to stohoop!" Peridot begs. "There's the Dot we know!" Amethyst smiles. "Hahahahha!! I'm- I am smiling okay?! Now unhahahand me!" Peridot threatens, but it does no use. "I ain't gonna stop until you promise to stop being gloomy!" Steven says. Peridot just whines, laughing. "Ihihihi can't c-control my feheheheheeelings!!" Peridot tries to swat at Steven's hands and slap his face. "Gah! Hey! No hitting!" Steven complains. Amethyst walks over to help. She picks up Peridot's arms and uses one hand to hold them above her head. Then she digs the other hand into her underarm and across her ribs.
"NYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! NOHOHOHOHOO!! STEVEN! AHAHAMETHYHYHYYY--!! SSSST! HEHEHEHEH!! STOP! STOHOHOP!" Peridot kicks and laughs and her eyes begin to tear up. "Just say you'll stop being sad!" Amethyst says. "NYOHOHOH HOHO!!" PLEHEHEASE DON'T MAKE MEHEHEHEHE!" Peridot laughs louder when Steven starts blowing small raspberries on her tummy.
"HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!! OHHOHOHOHOHO! OKAY OKAY OKAHAHAHAAY! I'LL STOHOHOHOP BEING SAHAHAD JUST END THIHIHIS TORTURE! PLEEEEEAHAHAHSE!" Peridot felt the tickled begin to fade. Then the train stops. "Oh look, we're here-AH!" Amethyst shouts as she is shoved off the train. Steven climbs down giggling. Peridot has Amethyst pinned to the ground. "Wait-! No Peri don't-!" Too late. Peridot tickles Amethyst's ribs and Amethyst laughs. "AHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA!!! NOHOHO THAT'S LIKE A REHEHEHEHALLY BAD SPOT FOR MEEEHHEHEHE!!"
The tickling continued until Peridot got tired and they had a fun rest of the day.

The end!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2020 ⏰

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