Part One

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Readers POV

Ah yes, my island a wonderful place filled with beautiful people. All having different talents and unique hobbies. It would be perfect except for one thing.

My crippling debt to a greedy bastard.  All of my hard earned Bells thrown away just to have a house or some shit. His name is Tom Nook, hes a alcoholic uncle who loves money. I also wouldnt be surprised if he was having affairs with his co-worker and resident Isabelle. Anyways it's not like I'm jealous of her always being near him or anything...

~Time skip~

It was a sunny and hot day. I had to chop down trees for some K.K concert I think. My Timmy aloha shirt sticking to my skin. 'Why doesnt else help around here' I mumble under my breath leaning my head against a tree.  I suddenly feel a hand on my back making me jump and look up,

"Well someone's skittish" I heard a voice chuckle, I instantly knew who it  was.

"M-Mr. Nook I'm so sorry you j-just scared me" I stumbled out giving a polite bow. He chuckled as I looked up at him.

"How many times have I told you sweetheart, you dont need to be so formal with me" He replied taking a swig of some type of alchohol. I blushed at his words and turned my head down to my shoes. "Now-" He started again, "How about you could take a break at with Isabelle and I, or you're gonna work yourself to death out here" I wanted to say no so badly, but every part of me was telling me to say yes and so I did. I left my Axe at the tree and followed closely behind the older man. He always had a smell of alchohol on him but behind that it was of dark forests and morning dew, something you get lost in and sometimes I almost did.

I sighed out a lengthy breathe as soon I reached the air condition building. I sat down at Tom's 'post' and he sat down on the other end. I rest my head on the table and he chuckles softly, I poke my head up though not wanting to fall asleep in front of 2 'V.I.P's' I look over to my right were Isabelle is dusting, almost looking mad I speak up to ask what's wrong but see no use.  I hear two clinks of metal on the desk in front of me and look back to Tom his smile gleaming back at me, "Here have a drink" I looked at it quickly, it was obviously some fruity quirky teen drink with 0.01% alchohol.

"I'm sorry" I say looking back at his handsome - no, not handsome anything but handsome face, "I'm not old enough to drink" He's looks at me and whispers, "Theres no police on this island, only you and me" He draws back to sitting all the way down I freeze and my whole body feels red and hot.  I'm stuck like that until I hear the door slam shut sending me into a short yelp. It also leaves Tom choked up, but he can cough out a concerned, "Isabelle?" He stands to leave but I jump up, "Dont leave me!-" I say before I could've processed the words, I clasp my hand over my mouth, my eyes widen.

Tom looks over to me definitely not expecting such a reaction out of me. He smirks eyeing down every part of my nimble body. Myself still shocked as he moved out from beneath the desk to the outside where I was, as  he   moved closer I backed myself up into a wall as he finally reached a uncomfortable close space between us I was pushed up as far I could be facing the front door and to his hands who simple curved my waist, "I think I found another way you can pay off debt."

Debts that Needed Paying (Human! Tom Nook x Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now