Part Two

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3rd POV:

"W-What?" The young girl asked, her body shaking almost under the mans touch.
"I'm pretty sure you know exactly what I want and I know you want it too" He replied moving his hand down to her thighs, "Isabelle is too needy and is always complaining once you get behind her blonde hair and musical numbers"

Y/n could feel herself getting hotter and hotter all centering to one place. "I-I dont understand, h-how do you know?" She asks her voice trembling.

"I see the way you at me, I know I'm a drunk smoker, but I'm not dumb. I se the way your legs tense together when ever we sit down with me. I see the faint rose on your cheeks well I compliment your hard work, and I can see it through shorts right now" He said moving his hand up to the button of her shorts,

"W-Wait Tom" She blurts and he looks up, " I-I'm scared" He gives her genuine smile,

"I'll be gentle" Tom says before returning to his work zipping down her jean shorts and off her skinny frame. Nook picks the small girl up and onto a chair, unbuttoning her island shirt and throwing it next to the shorts. Nook got down on his knees gazing at her body taking both both hands and opening up her legs moving forward and teasingly licking at her clothed womanhood making the younger counterpart squeal, "T-Tom... Please" She whispered not being able to speak any louder.

"Please what?" He said looking into her lust clouded eye slowly rubbing his thumb up and down her panties. She twitched from the touch,

"Please F-Fuck me" The girl stated with the confidence she could muster. All he did was a simple nod and her panties were off in a second her most intimate part on display.

Reader POV:
This felt a dream, this couldn't be happening. The time of the year were sexual tension boils and I'm receiving head from my boss.

It felt great though and I know he knows what hes doing. My breathes become heavier becoming into small moans as I reach closer and closer to my finish. I feel the knot in my stomach tighten and right as I'm about to release he stops, I open my eyes and look up at him questioning with my glance.
"Not yet baby," He chuckles "Daddy wants to have some fun"

Debts that Needed Paying (Human! Tom Nook x Female! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now