Chapter 8

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(third-person view.POV)

   "But how? we saw him buried in our own eyes. he can be-" Leo was interrupted by Niggatorra, "He just like me when I was a mutant, that we could have a second chance to live." she said, "your Brother is apart of my brother's curse that's flowing in his blood when he dies, his dead body turns into a soul sphere, sleeping in that thing for 5 years." she said. Leo looked at Midnight and reached a hand out and touched Midnight's arm.

    "I always believed that you were still alive little brother... we've been wishing for you to return..." Leo said, still looking into his eyes. "please come back. Father are now, hopeless. he needs you, we need you... Come you have to see Raph." "go on, Milo" They walked to where Raph and Sensei were.

     "Sensei... there is something you want to see" Sensei turns around. " Father.. I'm home..." Raph and Sensei both freeze in shock. "m-my son... I don't have a word.. but... I didn't believe that you were dead, I only believed that Michelangelo still lived."  he said, and put a hand on his cheek. "what is going on here? where's Don?" Sensei looked down at the Floor. "M-mikey?" Midnight looks over at Raph.

 "I think... you shouldn't see Donnie... like how... Leo mentioned you name... Don turned mad. And almost killed him by using his Scythe please, don't let him lose control. He's gotten worse..." Midnight thought for a moment but was interrupted by Milo. " Middy?" MIdnight thought 'I have to protect Milo from him.' "Nora! we have to-" he was interupted by the Lab doors opening. 

"Donatello i can Explain." "He..he..he" He laughed, " he..he..he..he" "Hahahahaha!!" He stopped. "Oh Nora, what is this? why are there two mikey's, heh? oh I know... He's more important then I am... that is why you left us" he said, yelling at Niggatorra. "... Only because of him!" he said, pointing at Milo that is behind Midnight.

 " You don't know what my feelings are towards you!!!" "you Pathetic little crap shouldn't do such a thing... you're fake... they're all fake... EVERYTHING WAS FAKE!!!" He yelled, hitting Niggatorra in the face. Niggatorra fell to the ground and had a small cut on her face. 

 "MOM!!" Milo yelled, thats when Midnight snapped and kicked Donnie right in the chest. "C'mon!" Midnight grabbed Nora and left the lair.


alright guys im going to stop it there so goodnight and sweet dreams cause i need some, BYE!!!!!!!


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