《 Chapter I: "Agony in Darkness" (Part1) 》

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June 8, 2017

Zach gazed at Clair, his hand gently holding hers as they strolled down a footpath lined with leafy trees and vibrant clusters of orange, yellow, and white poppies. The sun shone brightly, casting warm light over them, but a slight chill lingered in the air.

"If you were to be born again, would you choose to be Zach again?" she asked, her eyes on him. Then she smiled - that same, familiar charm lighting up her face.

He turned his gaze forward, mulling over her question before meeting her eyes again. "Yes," he replied.

"Why?" she asked, her curiosity evident.

He studied her for a moment before replying, "But in the next life, I want to be stronger - braver, so I can walk with you beyond this castle's fences, knowing I'm enough to keep you safe."

The cheer in her face faded slightly. "Does it bother you that you might not be able to do that now?" she asked softly.

He looked down, a hint of guilt in his voice. "It's a man thing - if he can't protect the woman he loves, it makes him feel, you know... useless."

She gently squeezed his hand and stared into the distance, lost in thought for a brief moment. "I came so close to making a choice that would have tormented me forever," she said softly. "But that path changed... You have no idea how much you've done for me." She turned back to him, a soft smile spreading across her face. "To me, you're everything a man should be."

Zach lay alone on the bed, waiting for the preparations to start. Memories flooded back to him, vivid and fresh, as if they had happened only yesterday. He felt a flicker of happiness, finally understanding how he had fallen in love with Clair, and it brought a smile to his lips. But beneath that smile, a lingering sadness crept in, knowing that their relationship had been fraught with difficulty from the very beginning.

He now understood what Clair meant when she said her dark path had changed because of him. She had intended to kill him and was prepared to face the consequences, but they ended up falling in love instead. However, he came to realize that he hadn't truly altered her dark fate. It haunted her even on a new path, and ultimately, it found her and claimed her.

He remembered her last words, every one of them meant for him alone. How he wished he'd had the chance to tell her with absolute certainty that he was ready to break down any wall for her, no matter the cost.

He closed his eyes and reached out to her, calling her name in the silence. As before, there was no response. Still, he left her a message, hoping somehow it would find its way to her. "I'm coming for you, Clair. Wait for me - just wait for me. Stay strong - think of us, of all our happy moments. Please, don't give up on me. You have to stay alive. I promise I'll be there soon."

A knock echoed through the room. Zach opened his eyes, spotting Per as she entered with Filbur. Zach sat up from the gurney. Filbur stepped closer, and Per trailed behind.

With a heavy sigh, Filbur began, "The results aren't good, Zach. You're too thin, too weak. Your body can't handle the experiment in this condition. You'll need to get back to full strength before we can move forward."

Zach's guilt and disappointment were written all over his face. "Then help me get better - fast. I'll do whatever it takes," he said, his voice urgent and pleading.

Filbur said, "We've devised a routine for everything you need to do. If my calculations are accurate, sticking to this plan diligently will help you achieve the body we need in five weeks."

Zach was disheartened by the lengthy duration of the routine but refrained from complaining, recognizing he has no quicker alternative. "All right, let's begin today," he said.

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