Chapter 6: U.A. Sports Festival Part 3

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After lunch, all of the people had gathered in the stadium once more for the next event. There was also one more thing. However, Boboiboy had never anticipated for something like that to happen.

Right now, all of the girls in his Class are wearing cheerleading outfits. This had made the boy look away in embarrassment. The girls were also feeling the same, after all, they had just been tricked by Mineta.

Earlier during lunch, Mineta had approached the girls and tricked them into wearing cheerleading clothes for his own interests. The girls had their doubts but they had believed the lie when Mineta told them that it came from Mr. Aizawa.

"Why am I always caught up in Mineta's schemes? I even used Creation to make the outfits..." Yaoyorozu slumped to the ground. Boboiboy couldn't help himself but go over there to comfort her. The other girls had appreciated his concern.

"Alright, everyone! Let's have fun competing in the recreational games! When that's over, the seventeen from the five teams that made it into the final round will duke it out tournament style!" Present Mic announced.

"The last round will be us fighting each other, huh?" Boboiboy questioned himself.

"I'm gonna stand on the stage that I watch every year on TV!" Boboiboy overheard Kirishima's exclamation.

"You sure are excited, Kirishima." Boboiboy said.

"Who wouldn't be?" He replied excitedly to back to the brunette.

"Was it a tournament last year?" Mina Ashido, a girl with alien-like features asked.

"It's different every year, but there's a one on one competition every year. Last year, it was a sports chanbara match." Hanta Sero, a boy with a Quirk that lets him shoot tape out of his elbows explained.

"Chan–wha?" Boboiboy questioned with a confused look.

"It's similar to kendo." Sero explained once more. Boboiboy understood and mouthed an "Oh".

"Now, let's draw lots to determine the bracket. Once the bracket is determined, we'll have the recreational games and start. The seventeen can choose whether or not they can participate in the recreation. I'm sure some of you want to rest or save your strength." Midnight announced. "Now from the first place team–"

"Um..! Excuse me." A voice intercepted the announcement. It was Mashirao Ojiro, who's Quirk was his tail. "I'm withdrawing." His statement had shocked all those who were present.

"EH?! But why?" Boboiboy questioned his classmate. He couldn't believe that somebody would forfeit especially at a time like this.

"This is a rare chance for Pros to see you!" Iida told him.

"I barely remember anything from the cavalry battle until almost the end." Ojiro confessed. The other students look at him in shock and surprise. "I think it was that guy's Quirk."

'He was in Team Shinso if I remember right...' Boboiboy thought while looking around. He then saw the rider of the team, he had looked away when he and Boboiboy made eye contact. Boboiboy turned back to Ojiro.

"I know that this is a great chance and that it's foolish to waste it..." Ojiro started to say.

"Ojiro..." Midoriya said.

"Everyone here competed by giving their all. I can't... I can't be up there with everyone without knowing what really happened." Ojiro stated.

"You're worrying too much about it! You should just make sure you produce results in the finals!" Hagakure tried to comfort him in his situation.

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