Chapter 19

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I can't believe that I am actually standing in Cat's kitchen enjoying coffee and conversation with her Dad. We talk about the latest PGA Tour and who may make it to the Olympics since next year is an election year. Out of the corner of my eye, I'd see Cat sneak her way back upstairs with relief.

Several minutes later, Dillion walks into the kitchen. He reaches for the coffee and pours himself a cup.

"You're up early. And your dressed," Mr. Fischer notes in a tone of surprise. "What brought this on?"

Dillion took a slow sip of his coffee before answering, "No reason."

"You certain it has nothing to do with what happened on the beach last night?" Mr. Fischer gives Dillion a piercing gaze, almost as if he is daring Dillion to lie to him.

Dillion showed no emotion. "Not sure what you mean?" he counters.

Mr. Fischer's nostrils flares. "You know damn right well what I mean, Dillion. And I hope you plan to stay away from that situation. FAR away."

Dillion leans against the kitchen counter. He looks exhausted. I fell horrible, as I knew I was partially to blame. "It's my life, Dad. How I choose to live it isn't up to you anymore."

Mr. Fischer slams his cup down on the counter, the coffee splashing out of it onto his hand. I knew it was hot, but he doesn't even flinch. "Damn it, Dillion! Do you think your Mother and I want to see you go down that road again? Haven't you put us through enough? You're here with us now. You've got a stable job. You've made a life for yourself, and what about Brittany?"

"What about her?" Dillion asks, still somehow the picture of cool. The more detached he seems the more it infuriates his Father. If I didn't know better, I would say his actions are intentional.

"You really going to throw that girl aside for that... that..."

Suddenly Dillion's nonchalance disappears. He put his cup down, stood up straight, and his look became so dangerous it would cause any grown man to cower. Any grown man that is, but his father. "Don't... finish... that sentence," Dillion warns.

"Fine!" his father concedes. "But I'm warning you, Son. You go down this path again with her and we are through with you. You understand me? There will be no taking you back this time. I won't have you breaking your mother's heart like that again, never again."

Dillion picks up his coffee and took another long sip. I think honestly he needs to keep his hands busy because he looks like he wants to throttle his dad. "Noted," is all that he says in response.

"I'm going to see if your mother is awake," Mr. Fischer announces, obviously wanting an excuse to leave the room without just storming off.

The moment Mr. Fischer went up the stairs. Dillion turns on me. "Why did you tell him?"


Slowing his speech down like he was talking to a child, he reiterates, "Why would you tell him about Olivia, Alex?"

I didn't like being under scrutiny. "I didn't mean to tell him. It just came out when we were talking this morning. He came to my room to ask me to go to the club with him and well... Cat was there, hiding behind the bar, I was nervous and I screwed up, okay?"

Dillion drains his cup and puts it in the sink. "Next time, stick to screwing up your own life and stay out of mine."

Dillion turns to see Cat coming into the kitchen. She didn't appear to have overheard what he said to me. Dillion walks over and kisses her cheek. "Ready whenever you are, sis."

"Wow! Up, dressed and ready to go this early in the morning. I'm impressed."

"Anything for you, Tiger."

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