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This is gonna be a long one so enjoy!!

September 15 2025
Demi's 10 weeks pregnant

Y/N's POV:
I roll over onto Demi's side of the bed to be met with cold sheets. I look around and I see the bathroom light on. I put on my robe and walk in there to see Demi looking in the mirror in just her bra and panties and crying? I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her and place soft kisses on her shoulder. Demi looked up and smiled, wiping her tears away.

"What's wrong my love? Why are you crying?"

"There's a bump. It's only small but it's there" My eyes went wide and I unwrapped my hands from Demi's waist to look at her from the side. I smile so hard when I see the bump then I start crying as I sit on the edge of the bath.

"Okay why are you crying now? You're not pregnant" Demi says as she chuckles and crouches in front of me.

"I'm just so happy for you. You've wanted this for such a long time and now you've got it. I'm just really happy"

"Oh baby girl" Demi wipes my tears away and kisses me softly.

"I love you"

"I love you too. Let's get our princesses up"

Demi and I get dressed in some sweats before going into Kaia's room and I go into Luna's. I sit on my knees and gently shake Luna's shoulder. She turns over to the other side of the bed and tells me to go away. I pull the blanket away from Luna and lift her into my arms. She starts crying for no reason. I can already tell this is going to be a long day.

"What's the matter baby girl?" I say wiping her tears away.

"Want Teddy" I look on her bed and find her teddy bear. I pick it up and give it to her. She cuddles it and rests her head on my shoulder.

"Wanna see Mommy baby?" She nods and we go downstairs and she lights up when she sees Demi and her sister.

"Mommy!" I set Luna down and she runs to Demi, giving her a tight hug.

I go over to Kaia give her a kiss on her cheek and she giggles. I tell Demi to go watch tv with the girls while I make breakfast. Demi kisses me quickly before going with the girls to watch Lego Frozen. I quickly make the pancakes and cut up the fruit before calling my girls over. Kaia and Luna sit on there booster chairs and Demi and I next to them.

"Mama, can we play outside today?" Luna asks with her mouthful of watermelon.

"Sure baby girl. What do you want to do outside?" I ask.

"Can you and Mommy teach us wheelies?" Kaia says so excitedly, she's practically jumping out of her seat. I give her a confused look then I remember that she calls cartwheels wheelies.

"Of course we can my love. Mama can do it with you. Let's get you princesses dressed and we can play outside" Demi says and Kaia jumps in her lap.

"Thank you Mommy! I love you forever!" Kaia says before running to her room. I give Demi the look and I stand up to follow Kaia and Luna.

After dressing Luna in some tights and a shirt with a unicorn on it (she picked it), we went downstairs to see Demi and Kaia wrestling outside. I close the door and they both look up and smile.

"Who wants to help me get the mats out?"

Both girls run over to me and beg to help. We both go in the garage and grab out the gymnastics mats to take back to the backyard. I move them all together and the girls and eagerly waiting next to Demi to start.

"Since Kaia helped, she can go first"

I showed Kaia what a cartwheel looks like then she tried it on her own. After a little while of practicing she decides that she can do it on her own. I call Luna over and repeat the process with her. Once Luna gets the swing of it, I sit next to Demi and watch our girls have some success and failures at their cartwheels. I lean my head on Demi's shoulder and she kisses it softly.

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