Chapter 21

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a perfect marriage is justtwo imperfect people who refuse to give up on each other

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a perfect marriage is just
two imperfect people who refuse
to give up on each other


"How can I help you, Ma'am?"

The receptionist asked Muntaha when she went to the front desk. She had sharp features but her face was caked with make-up. Muntaha noticed her perfect winged-eyeliner and got a little jealous as she couldn't even put on mascara because of her trembling hands.

"I am here to meet Faris. Uh- Faris Zayyad Khan." She told her with a polite tone.

"Sorry ma'am but this is lunch time. He is not available." The woman said with a tight liped smile.

"He knows I am coming. Just ring him once." Muntaha was already so nervous and this lady was making her more anxious.

"Okay. Your name please?" The receptionist was reluctant because everyone knew about their boss's strictness but this girl had a soothing aura. It didn't seem that she was lying so she decided a call won't hurt.

"Muntaha Saleem."

The receptionist ringed Faris and he asked her to have Muntaha escorted to his office. The receptionist was surprised at the gentle tone of her boss at the mention of Muntaha and her curiousity grew about who the girl is but she didn't question him.

"You can go to the third floor. His PA will escort you to his office." The lady said with a professional and perfectly practised smile and Muntaha returned it with a nervous one of hers.

She thanked the girl and went to the elevator. When she reached the floor, a man who introduced himself as Faris's PA took Muntaha to his office.

When Muntaha entered his office he was sitting behind the desk reading a file. She looked aroud the office. A large window on the wall to the right of his desk with two couches arranged in L-shape and a centre table. The wall to the left of his desk consisted of bookshelves lined with files.

"Nice office." The first thing Muntaha said after greetings. She was sitting on the couch and Faris was sitting to her right on the other couch.

"Yeah. For the time being. I'll move to Baba's office after taking over the company."

"You are not going to practice medicine?" She already knew the answer, she was just trying to stall.

"I will. I'll be practising in our hospital. And before going for speacialization, I'll train Abdullah to take my place."

"Nice." She hates this word. It shows complete ignorance to the other person but she was just getting more anxious.

"Muntaha." Faris called her when he realised she will not start the topic on her own.


"We really need to talk about the matter at hand."

Muntaha just noded her head as she couldn't bring herself to say anything.

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