Chapter 11 : Italian dinner , classy .

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I call Gina when I get to my room , "Gina , you cannot believe what just happen ?" , "What chica ? Spill !" , "you know the guy that checked me out at the bowling alley" , "mmhmm" , "he just asked me out like 3 seconds ago" . She squealed , I squealed , girls squeal , it's a natural thing . If there is a girl who doesn't squeal , you should try it once in awhile , it's fulfilling but do it with the right people , then the squeals are worth it . So I continue telling her how he stopped me by the roadside and we talked bla bla bla . 

Its Friday , and I asks Carla whether can I leave early today and she asks , "why dearest ? Is this boring to you ?" . She was coaching me how to control the fireballs and aim it at the target in the backyard , so as I throwing flames like a baseball , "I have a date tonight" . She immediately put out the fireball that is travelling from my hand to the target , but it's a misfire anyway . She holds my shoulders and asks , "who is this lucky boy ?" , "err , someone I met on the street ." . Then she let go of me and look at strangely , "it's not a boy from school ? You meet him on the street ?" . Now it seems strange to me cause I've been living here all my life and I never seen him before , maybe he just move here . "Well , its 2014 , so maybe places to meet your soulmates are different these days" , she says and she continue , "I met your father during the annual dance , oh it feels like it was just yesterday . I had another date to the dance , his name was..uhh..oh yes ! Mikael Crey ! Nice guy but he's not like your father . Anyways , we were dancing , having a nice time , then Mikael took me out to the woods and push me towards the tree , we were fooling around , you know being teenagers" , she winks at me . "Then he wants to do something more but I wasn't ready but he kept forcing his hands all over my body , then I pushed him away but he froze me onto the tree" , I had to ask , "you mean froze you like 'ice' you ?" , "no dearest , I just can't move cause he was controlling my body" , I immediately hold her hand cause that's just awful , because that is sexual assault . "Oh my gosh , that is terrible Carla ! So you can't use your powers then ?" ,"No , but then your father came and burns his pants and Mikael loses control over me and I ran away with your father" . Listening that makes me know Lionel better , that soothes my heart because he's a part of me and I'm starting to accept that . "That's sweet Carla , so he's not always a meany after all" , I say and Lionel enters the backyard , "why aren't you practicing ?" , he says with hands behind his back . Carla walk towards him and give a kiss on his cheek , "my hero ! I was telling Karenina how we both met" , he can't help but to smirk a little and I look at the time , I have to go home . "Oh , I have to go now . I'll see you guys later !" , "just where are you going ?" , Lionel asks . I was a bit terrified to answer so Carla help me out , "she has a date tonight , darling . So she has to go and get ready and be pretty" . Lionel seem to grow more furious , "with who ?Where are you going ?" ,I answer with such stutter , "Nnneill , and just out to dinner" . "Darling , calm down . She's old enough to go on dates . We met when we were her age" . Lionel kisses my forehead , " just be safe child" . That . Maybe he was just feeling like a daddy for awhile , looking out for her daughter . That's sweet , I guess ?

I hear the doorbell , I'm so excited and I do not know why ? I mean , I only know this guy for 5 seconds and I am going out with him ? Maybe because not a lot of people want to go out with me cause I have an attitude and maybe that population will fall if they know I'm a witch . I'm just wearing a nice sweater and long skinny jeans , I mean it's just dinner and not the royal ball . Rachel insists that I wear a skirt , but I don't feel like it . It makes me look too naive and I do not want to put that image out there . I open the door and I see Neil wearing a casual checkered shirt and brown pants , sort of cute . "Ready ?" , he says and I nod and close the door . 

We arrive to this little italian restaurant across town , I've never been here before and my first impression is  , "italian restaurant ? Classy" . "Well , I gotta bring somewhere classy for a classy lady" , he say and I just smirk . We sat down and he ask me , " so how was your day ?" , " nothing much , just abit tired of all the school work . Do you still go to school ?" , I cannot tell him that I'm a witch so school as a cover story seems logical . "No , I graduated last year . Now , I'm just doing some training" , "What kind of training ? Karate ? Judo ? Teaching ?" , "definitely not teaching ! You could say meditation" , he explains . " There's training for meditation ? You need training to meditate ? Is this religion stuff ?" , we are allowed to ask straight questions on dates right ? I mean , how are we gonna know stuff about each other then ? . "Yeah , something like that" , he smiles . We have a nice pasta dinner and share a bowl of ice cream and have a nice talk about his time at school , and stuff like music and movies , the usuals , nothing heavy cause it's only the first date . 

We reach my front door , and we look at each other and smile , " I had a nice time" , he says and I agreed , "me too" . "So , you wanna do this again ?" , "sure , why not " , I answer while throwing my hands mid-air . He laugh at that , and I was a little embarassed . As he walk away , I hear another voice , " Look at you blushing , Tater Tots !". It's Bachelor . "Oh hi Bachelor , why are you here ?", I ask . " I was just walking , it's a nice night . Anyways , is that the hot date ?" , " why is it any of your business ?" , I ask him back and he respond , "I'm your friend , I think i should know who is my friend dating right ?" , " I am your friend ? Awww , Bachelor !" , he puts his hand on his chest make a pout on his face , " I know , I'm the sweetest" . I laugh and realise something , "hey , I didn't even know your name Bachelor ?" , he just realise it too and say , "Yeah ! I've been calling you Tater Tots !" . He extend his arm for a handshake , "Jeremy Waltz" , "Karenina Abyss" , I shake his hands . "Hey , look at you using your biological last name !" , "I met you at their house so it's only fair to use their name" . "So Karenina , I saw your date from behind and he has quite the highlights . Is he a cheerleader from your school or something ?" , I opened my mouth and hit his size of a gun arm  , " I had the same impression but unfortunately , no . He's training to do meditation" . Jeremy opens his mouth next , "that's even worse !" 

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