Lilith vs Michelle McCool

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Introduction: Underneath the sky of Orlando, is where I would begin my quest for the holy grail. To capture my third Women's Championship, I had to defeat a woman, who couldn't resist a fight. Little did she know, she's fighting a demon with a violence fetish.

Michelle McCool


The Match: McCool starts out with a big boot to Lilith, which back her into a corner. McCool begins to hit Lilith with punches in the corner, but Lilith grabs her by her neck with both hands and she throws her across the ring.

As Michelle gets to her feet, Lilith controls the pace by hitting her with percise strikes to the jaw and body. Lilith then hits a delayed Scoop Slam on McCool, driving the breath out of her body.

Lilith then begins stomping on Michelle's limbs and she hits her with a knee drop to the face. When McCool back up towards the corner, Lilith charges at her, but McCool delivers an eblow to Lilith's face. Michelle then clotheslines Lilith over the top rope, but the challenger lands on her feet, to the surprise of McCool.

Lilith grabs Michelle's foot and she pulls her to the outside. Lilith then throws McCool into the barricade, making her hit hard. Lilith then picks up Michelle and she rams her into the ringpost, causing more damage to her back. Lilith then rolls into the ring, but she rolls back out to break the 10 count.

As Lilith continues to wear down the champion, she tries to toss her into the steel steps, but Michelle counters and tosses Lilith into the steps instead. Michelle then rolls in the ring and she rolls back out to break the count.

McCool then begins to stay on Lilith, tossing her into the timekeepers area. She then begins taking apart the ECW announce table. As she drags Lilith towards the announce table, Michelle is suddenly grabbed by the throat by Lilith, who Chokeslams her through the table, with thunderous force!

Lilith then places Michelle in the ring, and she goes to the top rope. To the shock of the WWE Universe, Lilith performs a beautiful Corkscrew Moonsault, but Michelle rolls out of the way, causing her to crash and burn.

Michelle then picks up Lilith and she hits the Faith Breaker. Michelle then covers Lilith, but Lilith kicks out at two. As Michelle mocks Lilith's throat slit, Lilith sits up, startling McCool.

Michelle tries punching Lilith, but they have no effect. Lilith then hits McCool with a big boot, knocking her down. Lilith then lifts Michelle by her neck and she tosses her into the corner, Lilith then hits a body splash followed by a snake eyes. Lilith then hits a running knee on McCool and she follows it up with an elbow drop to the chest.

Lilith then signals for another Chokeslam, but McCool counters it into a DDT. Michelle then tries for another Faith Breaker, but Lilith counters it into an Alabama Slam. Lilith then singnals for the end and she hits Michelle with a Tombstone Piledriver and she gets the three count.

Winner and new WWE Women's Champion: Lilith.
Streak Tally: 5-0

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