Lilith vs Charlotte Flair

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Introduction: Kings and Queens fall, but one Queen refused to die at Wrestlemania, I gave her hell in this match, but she would not rest until my streak was done, however, I was not afraid. If she is willing to destroy herself, to destroy me... so shall it be.

Charlotte Flair

Jim Ross: No holds barred... this is what it's come to. The Smackdown Women's Championship is up for grabs.

Jerry Lawler: But That's not the only thing J.R., Charlotte herself has stated, this is about more than the championship, it's about Legacy, it's about the streak.


The Match: Charlotte and Lilith trade blows with each other as the bell rung. Charlotte wins the tussle bombarding Lilith with knife edge chops. Lilith then then grabs Charlotte and she throws her out of the ring. As Lilith approaches Charlotte, Charlotte hits her with intense forearms but she is stopped once Lilith throws her into the barricade.

Lilith then takes apart the announce table and she prepares to chokeslam Charlotte, but Charlotte counters with a big boot to Lilith's face. Charlotte then goes for a spear, but Lilith back body drops her onto the announce table. As Charlotte slowly gets up, Lilith spears Charlotte through the announce table.

As Lilith gets back into the ring, Charlotte gets up from the rubble and she gets back into the ring. Charlotte then hits Lilith with multiple knife edge chops, but Lilith hits her with a knee to the face. As Charlotte stands stunned, Lilith tries for a running attack, but Charlotte counters with a snap powerslam.

Charlotte goes out of the ring and she takes out a steel chair. As she prepares to hit Lilith with the weapon, Lilith kicks her in the midsection and she hits her with a DDT.

Lilith works over Charlotte's arm and she attempts to go for Old School, but Charlotte counters it into an arm drag her from the top turnbuckle. As Lilith gets to her feet, Charlotte hits her with a Spear. Charlotte goes for the cover, but Lilith kicks out at two.

Charlotte then brings out a Kendo Stick and she places it in the ring. She also brings out a trash can and a metal cookie sheet. As Charlotte gets back in the ring, Lilith grabs her by the throat and Chokeslams her on top of the trash can. Lilith goes for the cover, but Charlotte kicks out at two.

Lilith then grabs a steel chair and she hits it on Charlotte's back. As Charlotte gets to her feet, she kicks Lilith in the gut and she manages to knock Lilith over the top rope.

Charlotte tries to go for a Moonsault, but Lilith swats her down to the floor upon descent. As Lilith gets in the ring, she sees Charlotte struggling to her feet. Lilith then hits a Topei Suicida Plancha onto The Queen.

Lilith then gets to her feet and she attempts to hit a Last Ride on the floor, but Charlotte counters and shoves Lilith into the ring post. Charlotte then spears Lilith through the barricade.

As Charlotte places Lilith in the ring, she picks up the Kendo Stick, she begins to viciously smack Lilith in the back with the Kendo Stick over ten times. Before Charlotte could hit her again, Lilith hits her with a sudden German Suplex.

Lilith gets to her feet and she goes to the top rope, but Charlotte leaps up to her and she hits a Spanish Fly, slamming Lilith to the canvas. Charlotte goes for the cover, but Lilith powers out at two. Charlotte then attempts to lock in the Figure Four, but Lilith counters it into a Sharpshooter. As Lilith wrenches back, Charlotte grabs a Steel Chair and she hits Lilith in the back. Charlotte then goes crazy and she mercilessly hits Lilith with the chair.

Lilith tries to get to her feet, but Charlotte continues to hit her in the back with the Steel Chair. As she grows even more fustrated, Charlotte screams at Lilith to stay down. As Lilith makes it to her feet, Charlotte hits her once again with the Chair, this time in the face.

As Lilith struggles to get to her feet, Charlotte gets ready to hit her with the Chair once again, but Lilith ducks and she catches Charlotte with a brutal roundhouse kick. Lilith then goes out of the ring and she gets out a Steel Chain and she begins whipping Charlotte across the back, Lilith then wraps the chain around Charlotte's arms and she hits a Belly to Belly suplex.

Lilith goes for the cover but Charlotte kicks out at two. As Lilith gets to her feet, Charlotte knocks her down with a shot from a metal cookie sheet. Charlotte then spears Lilith, but is caught in Hells Gate. Charlotte then reverses it into a pinfall for a two count.

Charlotte quickly locks in the Figure Four, and she manages to bridge into the Figure Eight. Lilith manages to get the Kendo Stick and she brutally attacks Charlotte, breaking the hold. As Charlotte got to her feet, Lilith manages to hit her with the Sit Out Last Ride. Lilith covers Charlotte, but Charlotte once again kicks out at two.

Lilith calls for the end, and she attempts a Tombstone, but Charlotte counters it into a Natural Selection, on the steel chair! Charlotte then goes for the cover, but Lilith kicks out at two. Fustrated, Charlotte hits another Natural Selection. She covers Lilith again, who kicks out at two yet again.

Enraged, Charlotte then steals Lilith's taunt and to the shock of the massive 70,000 fans in attendance, Charlotte hits Lilith with a Tombstone Piledriver! She covers Lilith, but Lilith kicks out yet again. As Charlotte slowly backs away from Lilith, she begins to wonder what does she have to do to beat Lilith.

As Lilith gets to her knees, Charlotte grabs her face and yells at her to stay down and die. But Lilith grabs her by the throat and she hits her with a vicious Chokeslam. As both women lay on the mat, Lilith quickly sits up. Lilith goes out of the ring and she grabs another Steel Chair.

As Charlotte rises to her feet, Lilith blasts her in the face with the chair. Lilith then unmercilessly brutalizes Charlotte, hitting her in the back with the chair. After 17 hits with the chair, Charlotte lies motionless, while Lilith once again signals for the end. As Charlotte slowly gets to her knees, Lilith hits her with a Tombstone Piledriver and the referee counts the three.

Winner and NEW Smackdown Women's Champion: Lilith
Streak tally: 15-0

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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