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*Hayden's POV*

After consulting with Zayn, I fixed the paperwork and made my way towards the head office. As I walk in, I am met by Mr. Myers himself.

"Hayden," he choruses. "Did you get Mr. Malik to sign the papers?" I nod and bring the signed documents towards him, placing them in his hand. He grins widely and places them in a big folder marked 'project 7' written in bold, black permanent marker. He looked happy, far too happy. Was there something I missed...was there something more to this than I had originally thought there was?

"Um.. Mr. Myers, Sir. What are they going to do to Mr. Malik's sister, exactly?" I ask. The wide grin previously plastered across his facial features had dissolved, his jaw clenched and lips pursed. Now forming a tight, thin line. Having his back facing me, to the side. I watched as he straightened making him slightly taller than before, the light hitting his facial features as he turned to face me. "Hayden, I think it's best if you left this topic alone. Have I not told you eno-" he starts, "bu-" I try to speak but I get cut off. "No. Hayden. No if's, but's or maybe's, there is nothing more for you to know. Got it?" Mr. Myers hisses. Now standing face to face with me, only a few centimetres between us.

"Uh. Y-yes, yes. Sir" I moronically cowered making him smirk, he's fucking smirking at me. "Good, now don't you have some patients or something to attend to?" He grins, whiskey stained teeth glaring at me. "Yes. Sir." I mumbled and left the room, I needed fresh air and fast. That room only smelt of two things, cheap whiskey and an old bastard lying to families that think they can trust him.

I feel so sorry for them....

I go to the nearest desk and put in that I am going for my half hour break, grabbing some small change from my locker and heading towards the cafeteria only to be tapped on the shoulder by a young man with brown hair and blue eyes. "Um. Sorry to interrupt but I think my ahh, my gi-" he paused for a moment. "My friend is waking up, she's been in a coma for a while now an-" I stop him there. "Okay. Sir. What room is she in?" I ask, he quickly grabs my hand and heads for the room. As I enter the room, I immediately recognise the patient.

Mr. Malik's sister.

Claire Malik.

The young man sat on the chair next to her, biting around the skin of his fingernails. He looked worried, almost scared although I didn't know why and I didn't want to intrude or ask. I make my way over to her monitors and check them, they're all fine. Heart monitor, fine. Breathing monitor, fine.

"Is she okay?" The young man asks and I nod. "she's fine," I reply and he nods back.

I grab the small light from my robe pocket and begin checking her eyes, they were rapidly moving, a state of R.E.M sleep. I return my light to its pocket and grab my stethoscope and bring it to her chest, double checking her heartbeat and giving it a thorough check. I look over my shoulder toward the young man again, he was now leaning by her side. Holding her hand in his and tightly squeezing it, quietly mumbling words in to her ear.

Claire? If you can hear me, please wake up...

Claire, can you hear me?

Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, Claire!

I-I love you...


Hot, wet tears began cascading down his cheeks. I removed the stethoscope from her chest, hanging it back around my neck. I felt so bad for him, I didn't know wether he was a relative or family friend...maybe even a lover. He acted like a lover though, giving me the idea that he was. I didn't know how to tell him. His eyes were so full of hope, so desperate for her to answer. Only to be left with an answer he wasn't going to like, she was and still will be in a coma.

I sigh deeply and make my way over to him, gently placing my hand on his shoulder and squeezing it. "Mr. Ahh.." I look at him, he looks back and wipes his eyes. "It's Tomlinson but you can call me Louis, Lou if you'd like" he chokes out. I nod, "Louis sir. She's ahem" I pause and glance down towards their still intertwined hands, eventually looking up and meeting Louis' eyes. "She's still in a coma, she's just going through a faze of R-" I begin but it's too late.

It was like nothing I could ever explain, Louis' knees buckled beneath him and he collapsed into my arms. Louis. I think that's what his name was, if I'd listened right. The pain he felt looked as though it was intolerable, worse than anything I could even imagine. His hopes were risen and then cut down by my five little words.

She's still in a coma...

It looked like his throat hurt and as though he could hardly breathe, his body went numb and it looked like he could barely see anything. The waterworks continued still as I lifted him into the chair beside Claire's bed, the sticky, salty tears were forming two small streams down his clammy cheeks. He was an adorable cryer, I felt sorry for putting him through all of this. Whatever this is.

"Louis! Louis, are you okay?" I ask. My voice suddenly brings his mind back to our surroundings.

"W- water." He gasps, clutching his chest. I instantly nod, quickly rushing off and fetching him a cup of cold water. He gulps it down immediately. Hiccuping once and taking long, slow breaths.
"Thank you."

"No problem," I gently but firmly pat his back. "Is there anything else I can do for you, Louis?" I ask. Sending him a concerned yet friendly smile, he takes in my expression before politely shaking his head. "no thank you, you've already done enough" he mumbles.

"Oh, okay" I nod and quickly leave the room. As I leave I check the wall clock, only to see I have fifteen minutes remaining so I quickly head to the cafeteria. Once I get there I order my usual, one coffee and a muffin -take away. As soon as I receive and pay for my order I sit down and read a newspaper. All the same old news is in there, though there was a strange article about treatments for our a coma patients which featured Mr. Myers. Obviously.

Mr. Myers, head of London's most technically forward hospital, has given us a insight into a new a coma treatment, also known as 'Project 7.' Myers has told us that the vey first treatment will be taking place as close as tomorrow morning, this new treatment will be tested on long time a coma patient, Claire Malik. Myers was not yet ready to describe to us the workings of this project, only that he could ensure that it will be completely safe and no harm will be done to Miss Malik.

If you were to ask me, I wouldn't believe a single word of bullshit that comes out of that man's mouth. He is planning something bigger than a 'treatment for a coma patients,' this is something bigger and I was determined to get to the bottom of it. Mr. Myers dominance over this hospital will not be achieved, he will not win. The sooner people realise he's up to something, the better.

Dun, Dunn, Dunn...

I feel like this chapter was really shitty, oh well.

I'm sorry I took forever to update :(

Please read/vote and and comment.

I love you all, my lovelies!

Stay safe and stay weird. Xx


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