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 It was a fine evening in October , after a tiring day's shift I sat on my side of the cozy couch and wrapped myself up like a burrito and was watching youtube when the door opened and there he was!

Varun rushed into the living room excited " Dei  Olive ! A  new junior resident joined this afternoon da and guess what..! she is from India and i feel like  i have finally found the love of my life! we are gonna make a great couple and we will be having children and what not......"

Varun  my Indian friend and housemate was a specialty training doctor in the department of anesthesiology . Its been 2 years since he moved in with me. He was smart but awkward around girls and here he goes now, speaking about some random girl he just met and fantasizing  her exactly the  way he did to Archana several months back.

I knew where this will end right from the moment he started uttering such funny yet silly words about this girl." Olive ! do you want to join me for dinner tonight! We need not cook  today and My perfect lady will join us for dinner  along with June. We're good right?"  

So yes! we had dinner that night. 


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