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That was the first time I met her. Never in a million years I knew that day would be so significant.

She was with June and they were early for dinner that evening. It was raining  as most of the time here and we went inside  the Rudy's dinner and there they were! 

June  my blonde Irish friend . She was an intern and resided  4 blocks away from us.

Beside June was a brown girl with black hair tied up neatly. "Hello Girls! sorry we made you wait too long!"  said Varun as we sat down  " Hey  Radhika,  Meet my roommate Oliver from Denmark. He is specialty training in Pediatric Medicine." Radhika  smiled at me and extended a handshake." Nice to meet you Oliver " . I smiled at her while shaking hands and said " Likewise Radhika  , How are you? ". Radhika briskly replied" Very well Oliver! thank  you and how are you doing? "  I pulled my chair close to the table next to Varun and said"  I am good Radhika! so, how do you find Eastbourne  ?   , she said " its splendid Oliver because this is where I have always wanted to be.  I m planning  to stay at June's until I find myself an apartment ".  Radhika and I smiled and had eye locks throughout the dinner . Varun and Radhika were having a great conversation while June and I we discussing our day. 

Radhika was 25 , from India and she was beginning her internship at our Eastbourne Main Hospital .She had 1 brother and 2 sisters and she was the last. All her siblings were doctors too. She was vibrant , charming and confident and took it easy though she knew Varun was trying so hard to hit on her. 

After a pleasant dinner that evening we left the diner . June and Radhika left the dinner while Varun and I went to the movie theater .

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2020 ⏰

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