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Hazels POV

***5 years later***

"Wake up babe," I heard Justin say as the sunlight was let into the window. "Five more minutes," I mumbled. He then chuckled and jumped on top of me and tickled my side. "No... Stop!" I yelled in between each tickle. "No babe get up! Today is a special day remember?" He asked, with a hint of mock in his voice. Suddenly it hit me... Today was my three amazing babies birthdays.

I jumped out of bed and into the shower. I quickly cleaned up and straightened my hair. I ran out of the bathroom in only a towel and saw Justin looking my way. I turned and winked at him. He chuckled. I grabbed some jeans and a black sweater that said Love on it. I slipped those on. Justin had left the room to let the guests in. I joined him and saw Lacey and Will with their pup Domino. They decided to name her that, because her favorite toy is dominos. I hugged Lacey and told her to head to the kitchen.

I had to let her in, because her and Will moved into a house not far from here, while me and Justin of corse have to stay with the pack. Soon Kyle came downstairs holding his mate Marina's hand. She was really nice an d was expecting. It was really nice seeing how everyone's lives were moving forward. I walked into the kitchen to see Justin eating a slice of pizza. "Where are the kids?" I asked. He pointed to the living room.

I walked into it and saw Rorry and Ryan tickling Fierra. "Get off! He tiny voice yelled. I laughed and pulled them away from her. He hair fall down her back to he butt. "Mommy!" She exclaimed hugging me. "Happy birthday babies." I said giving each of them a hug and kiss. "Mommy is aunt Lacey and marina here yet?" Fierra asked. "Yeah go give them hugs eHc of y'all. "But hugs are for girls!" Rorry exclaimed.

I laughed and said, "well you just hugged me." Ryan budded in and said, "but your out mommy." Justin walked over and said, "She's mine. And hugs aren't just for girls. See." Justin hugged me and gave me a quick kiss.

"Eww!" Each of my children said.

"Go give your aunts and uncles each kisses." I said. Rorry and Ryan gave out a huff, but Fierra obeyed and ran to go see them.

Kyle walked up and said, "hey how's everything going?" Justin turned toward him and said, "well everything is great today. Our babies are happy and soon they will have another cousin. Are you prepared bro?" I laughed. "I'm super ready to meet my pup." He said with a proud smile. I laughed and asked, "is it a bit or girl?" He smiled and said, "It's a boy." I clapped.

"I'm going to start getting everyone into the living room so the kids can open their gifts."

Justin nodded.

I linked everyone and then we were all seated in the den.


"That was a lot of gifts! Not everyone it's time for cake!" We headed for the kitchen and me and Justin began to dish out the slices. The kids got theirs first and Kyle took three pieces. "Why do you have to eat so much?" I asked. He just laughed and walked away. Me and Justin went and sat with the kids. Hey each devoured their slices.

"Well I guess it was good huh?" I asked them. "Soooo good!" Ryan yelled. I laughed. Me and Justin finished our slice and then rounded everyone back into the den. "What are we doing mom?" Fierra asked. "We have an announcement for everyone sweetie. Then you can go and hang out with all your friends." I explained.

Everyone say in the den. Their were a ton of people, so some were on the floor. They settled down and Justin began talking, "everyone as you know today is our babies Birthday. They are now five years old and have the greatest family. By that I mean y'all. We are so happy hat we have had five calm and nice years, and that everyone is started families of their own." Justin had to stop when Kyle yelled, "Get on with it!" Everyone laughed.

I continued, "today we have a very big announcement... Justin held my hand in support he knew I hated public speeches. "I'm having another baby boy!" I said with happiness. Cheers went all around and my babies ran up and gave me hugs.


Many years past and Rorry took over the pack. My new baby, Joseph, was always playfully battling with Ryan. Fierra found herself a nice mate, actually each of them did. And what was funny is that Joseph's mate was Domino. Lacey and Will had another girl who turned out to be Ryan's Mate. And Kyle had a girl, who became Rorry's mate. Fierra's mate was a rogue wolf, who smelled her and followed it. Justin was going to kill him until she told him that he was her mate. It took a while for Justin to accept him, but he soon warmed up to the idea.

And with that my life went on perfectly.

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