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Jason glanced around his new surroundings, taking in every little detail. The grime and grease lining the walls, rust peeling from the edges of the room's metal plates and the flickering light barely hanging from the ceiling.

"Oh, my doll. This place is disgusting." The blond shivered, lifting his forearms up to his chest. It truly was disgusting to the prototype. "I thought they said perfection. This, this is imperfection." As he wondered the room, his eyes finally landed on the many holes in the wall. Pipes, upon pipes, upon pipes.

Jason cringed at the sight, his perfectly shaped brows knitting together. He didn't have a clue why there were so many pipes and didn't want to find out. They all led into a dark, eerie abyss; not giving Jason any clues on what could be on the other side. Maybe they led to a dead-end or looped back around to this room.

With slow steps the doll walked past every pipe, inspecting the insides for any indication of where they lead.




Something shiny.



Jason paused his movements, blinking a few times before turning on his heels to face the indifferent conduct. The flaxen-haired doll's eyes traced the area of reflecting light, giving him the chance to see how dirty the pipe was from the small light source. "What do we have here." A breathy mumble escaped Jason's lips, his eyes trained on the end of the pipe.

He groaned, taking a careful step into the grubby entrance. He recoiled from the walls, raising his brows with a frown. With every step, he descended further into the creepy void.

"What kind of person makes a perfect doll wander aimlessly through a disgusting pipe? And to who knows where." He squinted into the darkness with his mouth open slightly and sped up his pace - wanting to leave it for good. "Let's hope this is worth it."

His footsteps echoed around the vile, metal tube; which made the journey quite ominous, like a horror movie. A noise escaped the back of Jason's throat in disappointment before he slipped. A shocked yelp escaped him as his body fell backwards, slamming against the cold surface as pain erupted from his coccyx to his scapulae. The prototype's head crashed against one of the bolts, his vision blurring on impact.

The fair-skinned doll lay there for a small while, staring off into seemingly nothing. That was so imperfect of him. He just slipped, fell, hurt himself. He's supposed to be perfect. Perfect.

Prototypes are perfect.

Prototypes are pretty.

Pretty makes perfect.

A pained grumble forced itself through his clenched teeth as he pushed himself up and onto his elbows. With a shake of his head, Jason collected his wild thoughts and pushed himself back to his feet - with a slight tumble forward. He reached behind his back and rubbed his hands violently, removing any dirt that stuck to his clothing. Jason took the time to regain his balance; he grasped onto the fact that the pipe went down at an angle - and that it was almost like a slide.

"A very hideous slide, if that's what it's supposed to be." He curled his lip and laughed slightly. "Well, no going back now." With a shrug, Jason slowly lowered himself into a half-crouch and shimmied his feet ever so slightly. The grease below his dress shoes allowed give to the doll's weight and left him sliding down. Every now and then the pipe would rise as another fraction was joined with nuts and bolts, leaving Jason to step over them before continuing down.

The further he travelled, the cleaner the pipe seemed to get. Not that much rust was curling at the seams and the grease seemed to melt away. Sooner or later the pipe was as clean as him.

It was a perfect pipe.

Jason relaxed slightly at this, allowing his fingertips to ghost over the pipe's walls as he trekked further - closer - to the light at the end of the tunnel. By now, his blue eyes have adjusted to the darkness and his eyes stung slightly as the light got brighter and brighter.

He hissed, screwing up his eyes as he came face to face with an exit. A circle of light lay on the bottom of the pipe, the rest shrouded by shadow leaving him invisible. From what Jason could make out there were figures of many colours and shapes, though they couldn't see him.

"Okay everyone, our new arrival is almost here! So let us treat them like a friend and accept his differences!" A southern accent rang out above the collective buzz of the crowd. With a sharp intake of breath, Jason shimmied his way into the light; his shoes appearing to the crowd first then legs, torso and finally ducking enough so the light hits the entirety of his head. He blinked a few times as his pupils dilated in the sunlight. Many gasps escaped from the crowd as he looked at most of the individual figures.

"Uhm." A murmur left Jason's lips, his blue eyes glancing over the shocked, angry and confused faces. "Hi, there." A shy wave and nervous chuckle, with an awkward smile on his lips. The green bunny stood in front of him with a hanging jaw and wide eyes, well, eye. The other was replaced with an 'X' stitch.


As Perfect As A Prototype ||INDEFINITE HIATUS||Where stories live. Discover now