New Place

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A deep inhale of breath brought Prototype 2.0 back to consciousness. Packing peanuts fell around his form as he jerked into a sitting position. Blank grey eyes stared at the walls around him and up to the ceiling where a tube, leading into darkness, was. He furrowed his brows before lifting himself to his feet with some struggle. He huffed, leaning a hand on one of the walls for support - while his other hugged his stomach.

He felt sick.

He couldn't see anything properly without it spinning.

But it's not like there's anything to look at in the small room.

What happened?

Where is he?

Who is he?


The new prototype gasped, jumping away from the wall he was leaning against as it moved. It turned out that it wasn't a wall, but a blast door. As it opened, the model peaked through the gap with confused eyes. There wasn't any light, except for a doorframe with a camera at the top.

He shuffled away from the new room, his eyes looking over the packing peanuts once more, before taking a deep breath and glaring at the machine with a determined look. With slow steps, the prototype made his way closer to the contraption - only stopping a foot away from a slightly raised platform with two glowing feet stickers on. If he could question himself he would but without proper identity and consciousness, the doll acted almost the same as them all.

With a quick scrunch of his nose, he stepped onto the platform and squeezed his eyes tight. Nothing happened for a second which frightened the mindless doll. One eye opened to look around while his figure remained stiff, yet a yelp left his throat as the sides of the doorframe opened up and two cold, metal arms gripped onto his wrists to restrain his movements.

"Welcome, Prototype 2.0. You are the newest model of the company and will be used as a test doll until further notice. Prototypes cannot and will not pass through the portal to the Big World; meaning if your model succeeds, you will stay at the Institute forever." A nonchalant voice rang through his ears, his body flinching as a burning sensation ran through his body.

A mellow glow brightened the area as the machine did its work on the doll. Once grey, yellow and black material turned a warmish-pale beige - a normal skin tone. The dull, monochromatic eyes flickering to life with bright and icy blues and deep, midnight blues. He hissed in pain as more burning arose from his upper back - where another mechanical arm seemed to be branding him with a hot iron.

He groaned, mumbling incoherent words under his breath as a tingling sensation ran through his throat. His vocal mechanism coming to life in an instant. As the third arm finally removed itself from his back the sides of the machine closed around him. Multiple blue lights turned on at once, materialising a clean set of comfortable clothes onto his bare body.

The first of these items was a teal-blue, silk neckerchief which was tied loosely around his neck. The neckerchief was then tucked under a clean, white dress shirt with slightly baggy sleeves. He inhaled sharply and reached for the collar, undoing the top two buttons to show off more of his neckerchief. Soon enough a Prussian blue vest lay on top of the shirt with golden buttons and a chest pocket that contained a snow-white, silky handkerchief. The plain shorts he wore were replaced with a slightly darker set of Prussian blue dress pants - just hanging over his ankles. From his pocket, a golden chain hung through one of the belt loops and his feet were covered in clean, black leather shoes. Black, elastic rings materialised on his alternate fingers along with two midnight blue bracelets on his right wrist.

Along with the new clothes, the model noticed a few stray strands of shiny hair fall into his face. A mirror was shoved in his face to show the prototype his new looks. He shook his dead around, smiling at his bright blond hair and unique blue streaks. His teeth were a perfect, pearly white. With a content sigh, he rolled up his dress shirts sleeves to his elbows before brushing his hands down his vest - dusting of any imaginary dirt on his clothes.

"You're name is Jason. You're a singer, slash model, slash prototype." The voice called out again, only this time with a slightly upbeat attitude. "You are the mould for the companies new dolls if you pass testing your model will be used in new creations. However, if you fail, you will be recycled and turned into a doll 12, and your mould will be scrapped. This testing sequence will last for two to three months."

"Well, that's really reassuring, disembodied voice; up there..." Jason stepped away from the machine, mumbling. His sour look soon changed as he heard his smooth voice. He laughed to himself, marvelling in how perfect he sounded and looked. "I'll pass, I'm perfect. Of course, I'll pass." He shook his head, letting his bright eyes settle on another door that opened as he walked closer.

"If all tests are completed, you will need to complete the final test - 'The Gauntlet' as many call it. It is a simulation of what the Big World will be like, so if you survive then your model is fit to last in the Big World." The perfect doll only rolled his eyes and stepped through the open doorway with confidence and swagger.

"Please, that'll be a walk in the park." His snarky attitude catching him off guard - but it suits him. So he smirked to himself and ventured forward, not even glancing back at the individual room.

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