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Should I have said that?

It's rude to listen in on private conversations.

But they kept mentioning this 'Lou' figure.

Who are they?

Why doesn't Ox want me to meet them?

Jason nictitated at his thoughts. Nolan laughed awkwardly and waved his hand in dismissal.

"That's not important, just ignore what I said." The brunet tittered and glanced away from Jason. The blond nodded sceptically and looked back at his feet at the awkward silence surrounding the three. The heterochromatic doll coughed before motioning for Jason to follow him down the stairway. "A-Anyway! Follow me, Jason, I'll show you 'round town. Then we'll go to your new place, sound good?"

The prototype nodded, skipping one or two steps to catch up with Nolan. In no time Jason was trotting down the wanderings alongside Nolan. The brown-haired doll was humming an oddly familiar tune - even if Jason had never heard it before.

"Can I ask what you're role is here?" The sudden question made Nolan pause his humming and turn his head with a confused expression. The golden-haired male noticed the unique doll's look and shook his head before rephrasing his question. "I mean, the individualisation scanner said I was a pr-" Jason caught himself from saying prototype with an unnoticeable flinch. "Singer! It said I was a singer, slash model. I was just curious if everyone had a certain occupation or something." Nolan's face lit up at this statement, his mouth curling into a small smile.

"Oh yeah, every doll that's made through the scanners - all the Perfection dolls - get given a specific job. Like you, you said you're a singer." The mismatch-eyed doll motioned with his arms, a sparkling air surrounding them as they walked. "Then me. I'm a professional photographer. I usually take pictures of whatever looks good to me - both dolls and scenery. Sometimes it's both, I just have to find the perfect angle and I snap a quick picture." That's when Jason noticed the expensive looking camera hanging from around his neck. The prototype laughed slightly, slipping his hands in his pockets.

"I bet you're an amazing shutterbug." Nolan waved his hand in dismissal at the comment, but he only continued talk about Nolan's profession. "No really. Just by talking about it, you seem really into it. So you must've captured some amazing shots since you started." Nolan snickered and messed with the strap of the camera, swaying his head side to side.

"I guess I'm decent enough at it. It's just hard to find photogenic things to capture."

The two appeared to be warming up to each other from just the small talk between them. The two were at the bottom by now, the brunet motioning Jason to follow him in the direction he turned to. "Anyway, enough about me. You're a singer, huh? Do you reckon you could sing a little something for me?" Nolan pressed as they passed many other dolls, buildings and stores. "Wait am I being to forward? Sorry, I just wanna get to know more about you. You don't gotta sing if you don't want to." He rambled, swinging his arms awkwardly. Jason chuckled, shaking his head.

"I don't mind. I have to learn my voice anyway." He paused, glancing around the street they were walking down. "Why don't we stop for a bit?" Nolan nodded and sauntered over to a bench with Jason only steps behind. The bench faced a bakery where a group of ugly dolls were talking together. The two sat down - Nolan lifting his legs onto the bench, crossing them and angling himself to face the general direction of Jason who leaned back against the backrest and crossed one leg over the other.

"So, what songs do you know? I've been told by another singer doll that you're made with some unique songs already memorised." Nolan spoke, his fingers drumming against his knees in anticipation. Jason hummed, scanning whatever memories he had stored in his head. After a little while, a melody started fading into his mind. The tune played in a minor key.

It sounds sad.

Is it supposed to be sad?

"Well, there's something I can sing. But it sounds like something sad." Nolan only nodded, a supportive smile etched on his features. Jason hummed the tune to himself before closing his eyes. "Will that be alright?" Nolan smiled his eyes catching the figures looking at him and Jason. Pink, grey, blue, red, green and orange. Nolan waved at them as they approached quietly. They were looking at Jason.

"Yeah, that's fine with me. Just think about the music and sing along with it, whenever you're ready Jason." Said doll took a breath, allowing himself to be taken by the music. The slow rhythm allowing him to find the tempo, enabling his leg to sway slightly.

"Nolan is th-" The new, perky voice was drowned out by a music box - a lullaby-like tune.

"You shout it out, but I can't hear a word you say. I'm talking loud, not saying much. I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet. You shoot me down, but I get up." His voice caught the attention of bystanders and the group of ugly dolls. Smooth and beautiful, like a professional. His eyes were still closed, but his features were concentrated. "I'm bulletproof, nothing to lose - fire away, fire away. Ricochet, you take your aim - fire away, fire away. You shoot me down but I won't fall. I am titanium."

The blond opened his eyes, finally noticing the burning stares from listeners. Jason strained his voice, getting louder. "You shoot me down but I won't fall. I am titanium!" A small crowd gathered to listen. They liked his voice. The music box lullaby played, urging him to continue what he was made to do. Sing. "Cut me down, but it's you who'll have further to fall. Ghost town and haunted love." He smiled, bright blue eyes dancing over his viewers' faces. "Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones. I'm talking loud, not saying much."

Some dolls swayed to his voice with content impress, others stared with their eyes wide and mouth agape. Nolan was one of the wide-eyed ones. The photographer stared at Jason with bright eyes, listening intently to his flowing vocals. "I'm bulletproof nothing to lose - fire away, fire away. Ricochet, you take your aim - fire away, fire away. You shoot me down, but I won't fall. I am titanium." Jason's arms tensed as his face contorted with confident expressions, squeezing his eyes shut once more. "You shoot me down, but I won't fall. I am titanium!"

The singing prototype opened his eyes. His own dazzling, blue hues connecting with a different pair of the same colour. Jason didn't think much of it, continuing to sing. "I am titanium!" Though the other pair of azure eyes belonged to someone who was once like Jason. The centre of attention.

That song wasn't original. It was a prototype song. But neither knew that. The other figure ran a hand through his unkempt hair before continuing to clean the badly stained alley pavement. He knew the words to the song Jason was singing. The unknown blond sang it just like Jason. He sighed, disappointed. A sad tune left his lips, only for him to hear.

"I am titanium..."

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