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"Hey," I say to Edwin. It's been about a week since we started working together. Surprisingly he has been kinda nice to me. We still fight, but it's a lot better.

"You look rough," he says. "You good?"

"Yes, I'm fine," I say. Truth is I'm not okay. Rose and I got into another fight about the whole Zion thing. She said that I can just leave if it's that big of a problem. She basically told me to get out...just like my dad.

"Where do we want to start today?" He asks.

"I think we should go check out their old house," I say. "They all used to live in that one house. It was always hidden in the woods, but we might find something there."

"Yea, lets go. We can take a cab there."

The two of us get in the cab and Edwin tells him where to go. I look out the window, and I can feel Edwin's eyes on me the whole time. I don't say anything to him though. He is probably just looking at me to find more ways to yell at me.

It takes about ten minutes to get there. "Thank you," Edwin says. He pays the cab guy and I get out. I look at the huge house in front of me. It's so big. There had to be hundreds of them living here.

"What the hell do they need a house so big for?" Edwin asks while standing next to me.

I chuckle, "I don't even know. There had to be so many of them."

"Let's just go inside," he says. "Hopefully nobody is here."

We start to walk up to the house, "I doubt anyone still lives here. It's so old and nasty. It looks like it hasn't been touched in years."

"Probably because it hasn't," he says. "I bet the last people to be here was them which was years ago."

"Yea," I say while looking around at the front porch. Edwin opens the door and we go inside. The inside of the house is still furnished, but very dusty.

"We need to look in every room," I say.

"What the hell are we exactly looking for?"

I sigh, "I don't know. Just anything. Anything about them that could lead to where they are now or anything about their past. That might help us too."

He nods his head and walks off. I walk to the stairs and I go up them. Once I'm at the top I realize that there are like fifty rooms on this whole ass floor.

We are going to be here forever.

[4 hours later]

"Gabby!" I hear from downstairs. "Come here real quick!"

I leave the bedroom I'm in and I go downstairs. Edwin is sitting at the table with a bunch of paper surrounding him. "What's up?"

"Look at this paper," he says. He hands me a piece of paper and I start to read it. It states the founder of the Kings and who they were.

To my surprise the founder of Kings is Wren Kingston. "Wait. The Wren that wanted us to figure out where they are hiding at?"

He shrugs his shoulders, "I don't know. I mean it makes sense. His last name is Kingston and they are the Kings."

"Why would he need us to find out where his own gang is at?" I ask.

"I don't know," he says. "But this whole thing just isn't adding up to me."

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