Chapter 1

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The pic above is Milo

I woke to water splashing my face. I sat up so fast my head started to spin. I blinked and whipped the water off my face and look up from my bed to see my Older sister Becca frowning down at me.

"What the heck" I snapped at her

"I swear if you go back to sleep one more time I will do more then splash cold water on your face" she threatened as she walked out my door her red hair being the last I see of her as she exits.

I drag myself out of bed and over to the bathroom I take a quick shower and pull my hair into a ponytail and throw on some blue skinny jeans and a tight fitting white shirt and my messed up looking black converse. As I enter the kitchen my big brother Milo looks up from the book he's reading "about time you wake up. so are you coming to Sara's birthday party tonight?"

"Becca is probably going to make me go so ya" I say irritated as I grab an apple off the fruit basket and sit in front of him.

"And it's only 9am who wakes up that early on a Saturday"

he laughs "I guess everyone but you."

"Oh Shut up" I snap back while rolling my eyes.

Becca skip's into the kitchen with James the leader of our beta group right behind her and Max leader of are omega group every morning they come here and give Milo a report of the events of the day which I find more then boring so I get up and grab my bag and try to squeeze my self out the back door before Becca see me and makes me go shopping for tonight. but I'm to late.

"where do you think your going. you haven't even said hello to are guest yet"
she snaps at my I let out a loud sigh as I turn around I swear my sister is the only one who doesn't notice people don't want me around.

Like right now they hadn't even glanced are way they were just sitting there talking to Milo.

"they didn't say hi this is my house there the guest shouldn't they say hello and then I say hello back." I whisper hiss back at her.

"Fine leave but tell me where your off to so I can pick you up later to go shopping for tonight." I roll my eyes witch earns me a glare from her.

After I left the house I headed for the park where i go to let out my anger or sit on the bench like a loser and think to my self. As I sat there after taking my frustration of yesterday events out on a rock which turns out was a bad idea because now my foot hurt. I decided I would go for a run as soon as I reached the woods that surrounded the small park and was deep enough not to be seen I shifted into my wolf form I had pure as Snow White fur that made my blue eyes pop out I ran slow at first thinking how yesterday at school I was pushed into a kid with hot soup by Jenna my used to be best friend she's a beta in the pack her big brother being Paul. when his soup landed on me I shrieked and jumped back it burned that's for sure she didn't say anything just glanced back and gave me an evil smile as some of the other girls from the pack giggled and followed her away I spent the rest of that day getting asked why I smelled like Rama Noddles. I got asked so many times by the time my last class came up I punched the next kid to tell me. I got sent to the office and had to wait for my brother to come get me.

I shake my head and skitter to a stop Somewhere during that run I sped up and was now at the border of are land which is 9 miles from my house I figured I should turn back and get home since it was starting to get dark. as I got back near to the park and shifted back to my human form as I walked past the park and back onto the road that would take me home. when a big green truck turns the corner and pulls up to me my heart races because I don't know the truck the door flies open to reveal my sister "quick get in. Milo wants us home right now."

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