3. Not My Problem

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Today was one of the most confusing days ever. My emotions were at an all-time high and I wasn't sure if it's because of my period coming up or the whole thing that happened with Ashton last night. Probably the Ashton thing. This boy was all over the place, one second I'm his sister, and then the next second he's winking at me and maybe I'm just overthinking things like always. The worst part of all of this was I couldn't even tell Juliet because she couldn't know about me and Ashton even though there really is no me and Ashton.

The only good class so far today was science because I sat next to Juliette but now history was coming and I wanted to slam my head against a desk. The idea seemed particularly tempting because if I got a concussion I could go home before this stupid class came. I felt oddly jealous that Juliet had tons of friends in this class and maybe if I wasn't such a loner I could have more friends too, but I was stuck in the back of the class by myself. Juliette walked in with her friends at the front and as I passed by her we gave each other one last smile before I headed off towards my desk. I quickly sat down at my desk and put my headphones in looking down at my scribbles that once belonged to the last owner of the desk. My music was so loud I didn't even notice when the class had started and the teacher had brought a new student up to the front. My eyes reached the front of the classroom and I practically yanked my headphones out as fast as I could. At the front of the class stood a tall skinny gorgeous 6'2 man whose hair was parted in curtains. My ultimate weakness, a white boy. His eyes were piercing blue and his hair black. I hadn't ever seen a man that fine in real life, except for Ashton obviously, but he was just as unattainable as the boy in front of me. Mrs. Opal stood at the front of the class as she made the poor new boy introduce himself.

"Hi I'm Tanner I just moved here from Ohio, I uh like to play football, well American football. I'm still getting used to that," he chuckled lightly and my face felt like it was on fire. I thought maybe I was in love, no I'm just being dramatic, if I'm in love with anybody it's Ashton. Oh my god I did not just say that.

I'm zoned out in my own thoughts when all of a sudden I hear someone speak beside me.

"Sorry, is The seat taken?" I look up from my phone only to be met with the piercing eyes of the new boy Tanner.

"No, no one sits there," I reply awkwardly.

"Well geez I wonder why no one sits beside such a pretty girl like you." My heart flutters as I take in the compliment.

"Uh thanks." Then I feel it. A hiccup. I do my best to keep it down but it happens nonetheless and I feel myself go pink again.

Tanner looks at me inquisitively. "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine I probably just ate too fast or something," I giggle. I hiccup again and try to pay attention to the lesson Mrs. Opal is giving. WW2 doesn't seem that interesting when all that's on my mind is Tanner and Ashton. I think about asking Ashton to drive me home when I hear Tanner try to start another conversation with me.

"Hey so uh I don't know that many people around here and I was wondering if you might be willing to show me around?" he beams.

"If you want me too I can, but I'm pretty sure there are people around here who know the school a lot better than me. But if you want me to, does tomorrow after school work?"

"I mean you seem really cool and nice so I want you to show me around. You could just walk me around the halls and tell me a little bit about school, about yourself." At this point my heart was racing thousand miles per hour so I just nodded and turned back to the lesson like I was actually interested. Probably the first time I've paid attention to this class all year. Note to self, pay attention to history it's quite cool. The class passed by too fast and by the end my heart was racing due to my uncontrollable nerves.

When the bell rang I looked over at him and said, "let me just go talk to my friend real quick 'cause I have plans with her but I can just meet her after our tour thing." He nodded politely and I quickly rushed to the front of the room where Juliette was surrounded by her friends. Without even thinking I pulled her away not caring what they thought of me which was a first.

"Ari, calm down what's wrong?"

"The cute new boy wants me to show him around school, and he called me pretty, and now I don't know what to do," I said as fast as possible as I stumbled over my words.

"Calm down, calm down Aurelia this is the first boy you've been interested in since like forever. You'll be fine." I knew that wasn't true but I couldn't say anything so I just nodded

"Just go and be yourself, I'm sure he'll love you 'cause you're amazing." She smiled warmly at me. I didn't know how to feel. On one hand I felt guilty because I knew I liked Ashton and I didn't want to lead Tanner on. But on the other hand I felt excited because Tanner was much more attainable than Ashton and he'd already called me pretty. I made my decision as I walked back to him.

"I guess we can go now," I said unsure of what I was truly doing. Me and Juliet met at the door again as we were leaving.

"I'll meet you at your locker in like 30 minutes." I said.

"Yeah sounds great, I'll see you then. Oh hi Tanner," she said with a kind smile. He seemed to feel awkward and it was probably because all of a sudden everyone knew his name.

"All right I guess we'll go left," I said and started my tour. It didn't take me long before I showed him around the whole school. It was a relatively small school built for about 600 kids, but we had managed to squeeze about a thousand in here, with many sharing lockers such as me and Juliet. At the end of my so-called tour I turned to him.

"So, any questions or anything I can help you with?" I ask, trying to be as helpful as possible.

"Yeah I have a couple."

"Okay shoot."

"Well for starters are you single or talking to anyone?" I feel The hiccups rise in my throat but I try to hold them back.

"No not really I guess." I couldn't just tell him about Ashton as much as I wanted to he was my dirty little secret.

"So do pretty girls like you agree to dates with guys like me here?" He asked with a smirk and my heart basically skipped five beats.

I didn't know what to say, I like Ashton and at this moment he was all I really wanted.

"Actually I'm kind of into somebody right now, but I'd love to be your friend. You seem like a really cool guy," I said trying to redeem myself and failing when I tried not to sound so awkward and pathetic.

A small frown made its way on his face which made me feel so guilty, "Yeah I got it," he said kindly.

"Okay great, well anything else I can help you with Tanner?" I asked, still trying to be polite.

"Nope, well other than I was hoping you could show me to your locker," he said jokingly.

As we walked towards my locker Juliet was waiting for me leaning up against the locker next to mine. Next to her stood Ashton. It had completely slipped my mind that he was driving me to their house again.

When I reached my locker Ashton had a clear frown on his face and I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Tanner, this is Juliette's brother Ashton," I said, trying to lighten the mood, but it didn't work anyways.

"Well I should get going, but Elia could I get your number so you know we can text me stuff?" My heart dropped, he was flirting with me in front of Ashton, and he called me his own little nickname, but I wasn't going to say no as I didn't want to be rude. I just nodded with a forced smile on my face and took the phone he was handing me. I typed my name simple and clean. Aurelia. Then I handed the phone back Tanner, but instead of simply saving the contact he added a red heart next to my name before saving the contact and walking off all cocky.

That cheeky bastard.

Ashton looked upset, but I couldn't figure out why. If it was about Tanner then that wasn't my fault! He called me his sister for crying out loud. That's his problem not mine.

not in the same way • ashton irwinWhere stories live. Discover now