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Originally published on: May 17, 2020

Hey it's the author from even farther in the future, I have more books out now. Please go read them.

Hey it's the author from the future after this book as been finished. I got a YT channel so plz go check it out. There should be a video up soon if not already. Just *cough cough* what? Or go find a link to it on my profile page.

— — — — —

America sighed as he set the last of the groceries in the backseat of his car. He wished his boyfriend, Russia, could have been there with him but then again Russia was busy with other things. It didn't bother America that Russia took his job of running his country seriously, it was a good thing actually. The man was torn out of his thoughts as he heard another car drive by in the parking lot. He shook himself off and got into the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot.

"There once was a bittersweet man and they called him lemon boy" Ame sang along to one of his favorite songs, Lemon Boy by Cavetown. He was quickly interrupted by a call from Russia, he grabbed his phone and answered, turning it onto speaker. "Hey wassup?" He asked.

"Nothing much, just waiting for you to get home. Which is why I called." Ame smiled at the sound  of the taller's voice. It was deep yet warm and welcoming, and of course there was a noticeable Russian accent.

"I'm almost home, just got off the interstate." He said. "Why you miss me~?" He teased. Even though he couldn't see it he knew Russia well enough to imagine him rolling his eyes with a smile.

"You know I always miss you Meri, there isn't a moment when I don't think of you. Don't ever forget that I love you with all of my heart." Russia said, wishing that his boyfriend was there so he could kiss him and cuddle him.

"I love you too Ruski." Ame said, a warm tone to his voice. "With all of my heart."

"Hey Meri?" Russia said. He started to mentally prepare himself for what he had been planning for quite a while now.

"Yeees Ruski?"

"Can we go out tonight?" Russia asked, trying not to sound nervous as he played with the little box in his large hands.

"Sure, where do you wanna go?" Ame asked, he and Russia haven't actually been on a date in a while. 

"You know that one a block from the coffee shop we worked at when we were in college? On the corner?" 

"Ooooohhhhhhhh, yeah that place. Haven't been there in a while. It's that really nice one right? With  the really good steak." Ame said, recalling a time that seemed like forever ago when he and Russia went there. It was the best steak Ame had ever eaten.

"Mhm, that's the place." Russia said, walking upstairs to go set out some nicer clothes to change into for later.

"Oki doki. Love you Ruski. I'll see you at ho- Oh FU-" America slammed on his brakes as another car came barreling towards him.

— — —

Russia burst into the hospital room, tears flowing from his eyes and down his face. America was laying on the hospital bed, his eyes were dull and his skin pale. He was just staring at the wall until he noticed Russia. The taller man nearly leaped foreword to try and comfort his lover. He leaned down, getting really close to Ame's face, just whispering sweet nothings.

"Shhh, it's gonna be okay, please be okay." Russia felt another wave of tears well up in his eyes. He was so distraught that he didn't seem to notice the rest of Ame's family enter the room. Britain held his wife, France's, hand in an attempt to comfort her. Canada just wanted to embrace his brother in a tight hug, but didn't not just because he wanted to give Russia some time with him but also because he didn't want to hurt his big brother.

After a few moments of Russia just enjoying Ame for a moment everyone was given a chance to talk to the global superpower in a little privacy. They all knew that Ame's injuries were severe enough that the likelihood of him living was next to nothing.

Britain and France were first. They reminded him of how much they loved him, and how they were so proud to see how far he had come. New Zealand and Australia told him that he would always be the coolest big brother that ever existed. Canada was barely able to make out any words he couldn't stop crying, but he eventually managed to tell his brother that no matter what happened he would always be the best sibling Canada could have asked for. 

Russia watched as Ame and Canada hugged. Finally it was Russia's turn. He approached the dying country.

"Meri please, don't go." He whimpered. "You can't leave me!"

"Russia I'm never going to leave you," Ame said, his voice surprisingly calm. Maybe it was only like that because of all the painkillers he was on. "You might not see me right away, but I'm there, I promise. You just have to look a little harder." This made Russia start balling his eyes out even more than he already was.



"I love you."

"I-I love you too Meri."




"...tell my family that I love them. Tell Canada that I'll still be there for him. Tell Australia that he can get another pet spider. Tell New Zealand that she can get a Kiwi bird. And most importantly, don't ever forget to tell yourself that I'll always be there for you no matter what." Ame said, his voice raspy but firm. Russia nodded as he clenched Ame's hand with his. By now the others were coming back in the room.

"I will," Russia said, barley above a whisper. Just before a machine started to beep, indicating that America's heart had flatlined.


Heya, just want to say apologies for any incorrectly used medical terms. I'm no doctor & my knowledge of how all this words is relatively limited.

Ok bai

Have a wonderful day. :)

(Still need to go through & edit so sorry for any grammatical & spelling errors, if you see one please point it out to me )

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