Quirk Stats

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Right away I'm gonna just list quirk(s) Izuku will have at the beginning of the story...

QUIRK: Everlasting:
This quirk activates once its holder dies... the holder (in this case Izuku // Deku) will be brought into purgatory and meets a human - like creature called Kuro who will give the holder the option to start life again starting at the age of 4.

If yes then the user will keep all memories and abilities of the past lives (known as Runs), this also includes any new quirks that are developed in the new lives as they are stackable (Like all for one's ability to hold multiple quirks. The holder will also quickly regain any and all muscle gained from the previous Runs.

If the holder says no, they simply stop repeating the life cycle and die.

(The story starts with Izuku having already been through 4 Runs going into his 5th so he will have 4 other quirks. {he also has OFA from his first run} )


Super - Regen:
This quirk quickly regains stamina for its holder (5min rest = 1hour of stamina recovered ~ Can be trained to last longer)

Full Elemental:
Has full control over water, earth, fire, air, and electricity - he can form them however he wants to as well as has the ability to use any state of them (solid, liquid, gas...)

Overall Resistance:

As the name states, he has much greater resistance to everything.

Angelic Medicine:

He can heal minor - major injuries at the cost of his own stamina (he can heal himself, directly one other, or a wide range of people ~ max of 20 people) - This also immediately activates the moment the user sustains an injury.

I dont have a specific SHIP for this so until you guys vote for a ship this will be a subtle Izuku x harem AU for the time being and there aren't any Lemons



Izuku Everlasting (MHA AU // OP Deku)Where stories live. Discover now