Training Camp Part 5

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"Damnit! Whats this guys deal!" Bakugou yells, running towards the villain before being defended from another attack by Todoroki's ice.

"Bakugou! You cant just rush at this guy! He has the advantage here, you cant use explosions and I cant use fire otherwise we'll cause a fire that could hurt the others! And didn't you hear? They're after you!" Todoroki said, blocking another razor attack.

"Let me have you flesh!!" Moonfish screamed as he launched another volley of attacks at the pair as he leaped from tree to tree which were blocked by ice yet again.

-With Midoriya-

'Come on where are you Kacchan! ' Midoriya was frantically looking around the ground as he was jumping through the air. Out of nowhere a giant black hand appeared from below and swung at Midoriya's side. He managed to block the brunt of the attack but was still smashed into the ground. "Damn, I almost forgot about Tokoyami..." He said as he slowly stood up before dodging another attack. "Thankfully..." He rushed forwards at Tokoyami before lighting his hand on fire creating light and making Dark Shadow return to Tokoyami. "Hey! You alright Tokoyami?"

"Y-yes, thanks to you Midoriya, thank you." Tokoyami said sitting up.

"Oi! You two! We have to get going!" Shoji climbed out from the bushes.

"Shoji, Im sorry about your hand, I wasn't able to protect you..."

"Don't worry about it, it was a fake one after all so it wont affect me aside from aching a little, for now lets get going somewhere safer!"

"You guys! Head to the clearing with Mandalay due south of here, I have to go help Kacchan and Todoroki right now!" Midoriya said before jumping off into the air again as the others took the order and started heading back. 'Good, now Kacchan... where are you...' Another minute passes before Midoriya noticed large ice attacks being launched off, 'Todoroki! ' He kicked a solid piece of air he formed and changed his direction to the attacks.

- With Bakugou and Todoroki -

"FlEsH! Delicious flesh!!!" Another razor attack.

"Bakugou we need to go now! His attacks are getting too hard for me to defend against!" Todoroki said, his right side was slowly freezing over but it was slower than during the sports festival because of his training.

"Tch- This Bastard's going down!" Bakugou said, he was about to leap into the fight before Todoroki protected him again. "Would you stop that Icy Hot!"

"You'll only make this worse Bakugou!"


"Stop defending! Let me devour your flesh!!!" Moonfish was about to launch another barrage of attacks but they were severed before they made it. "What?!" Moonfish turned to see Midoriya landing near the others.

"You guys alright?" He asked,

"Midoriya! Yeah, were fine, this guy is a pain for us to fight though, the terrain isn't suitable for our quirks."

"Alright, Todoroki you stay on the defensive, don't let anyone near Kacchan. And Kacchan," He looked to Bakugou, "You stay put, I promise I'll let you beat up the next villain." Bakugou was going to argue until he heard the last part, so he just tch-ed in response. "Good. Lets go!"

"Stop talking over there! Come here and give me your fle-!" Before Moonfish could finish he was hit my an invisible force. "W-what was that?!" He looked to Midoriya who's eyes were a sky blue with his hand outstretched. 'Whats with this kid? His quirk wasn't that super strength earlier? '

"Wind scythe! ' Midoriya said, creating slices of sharp hardened air at Moonfish hitting him again.

"D-damn you brat!" Moonfish started charging at Midoriya and launched a razor attack at him. Midoriya dodged and clapped his hands on the blunt side of the razor before yanking it towards himself pulling Moonfish with it. 'B-bad! ' Bang, Midoriya punched Moonfish square in the face, breaking his nose and knocking him out.

"*phew * Now that that's over you guys can come out now!" Midoriya called, Todoroki released the ice shield around himself and Bakugou who then looked at the unconscious villain in Midoriya's hand.

'He took out the villain we had trouble with for so long, in under a minute...'
'C-crap...' The two others thought together, they needed to be stronger if they wanted to even Dream of competing the charts with their friend.

"Alright you two, lets head back to Mandalay really quick, there's something that I have to do." Midoriya said before grabbing the back of both their shirts and jumping. When he landed he placed them down and walked to Mandalay, handing her Moonfish. "Tie him up too will ya? Oh and if you could make sure that someone is always watching them so they don't get teleported away or something of that nature that'd be great."

She simply nodded as she tied up Moonfish and tied him to the other villains. 'This kid, he's taken down three villains already, thats incredible. This kids a monster.' She thought as she saw him leap in the direction of the gas like substance.

'Now all thats left is Mustard, Dabi, the Nomu and Compress...' He thought to himself as he landed.

"H-hey your Midoriya from 1-A right?" A girl's voice called from behind him. He turned around to see Tetsutetsu and Kendo from 1-B with two unconscious others, they were all wearing Yaoyorozu's gas masks.

"Thats right. Here, let me heal you guys really quick." He healed them all from their injuries which were mainly thanks to the gas. When he finished, the two who were unconscious woke up and sat up. "Alright, you two are still probably too weak to do much right now, so here," He made two powered up golems, "these will protect you for right now. Kendo and Tetsutetsu, were going to take down the gas villain alright?" They looked at each other before looking back to Midoriya and nodding. "Good, heres the plan. Kendo, use your hands to blow away the gas once we've reached relatively close to the center, Tetsutetsu, your going to harden and charge into the center and distract the villain in it. Once the gas is gone and the villain is distracted I can easily land an attack. Is that alright with you guys?"

"Yeah, its a great plan!" Kendo said and Tetsutetsu agreed.

"Alright then! Lets go!" The three of them started running into the gas. A few minutes later and the gas was thicker than ever, "Go ahead Kendo, Keep running Tetsutetsu!" Midoriya called out as he started charging his move. The gas was being blown away (mostly from Midoriya's help to make Kendo feel better) quickly as gunshots were heard. "Don't worry! Tetsutetsu can withstand the bullets!" He said noticing the worried expression on Kendo's face behind the mask. She did as she was told and soon enough the gas was dispersed enough that Midoriya could see the villain. "Alright!" He jumped to the villain with a 50% OFA charged leap before slamming a compact ball of constantly rotating air into Mustard's chest sending him flying into a tree trunk.

"That was so MANLY dude!" Tetsutetsu said as he stood up and ran to Midoriya and Kendo.

"Mhm, he's right, your plan worked perfectly!" Kendo added. Midoriya blushed at the compliments shaking them off before he looked to the unconscious Mustard.

"You two head to Mandalay with him, I have some more things to do. I just hope Im not too late..." He said as he jumped away from them again, leaving them to take the villain away.

word count: 1225

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