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"Ugh!" El groaned.

Her feet are killing her. It is almost 12 in the morning and she was lucky enough to catch the bus back home. But she's just as unlucky when there are no cabs available in the area during that hour. So whether she liked it or not she have to walk to get home.

It has been 30 minutes, the high heels she wears now feels like knives stabbing through her feet. The walk somehow felt long and scary. It is dark, only lights coming from the lampposts illuminate the streets. The silence of the night is intensely heavy, making it even more frightening for El. Not to mention that El keeps on thinking about the danger she could face. She shouldn't even be out this late at night. She thought that she can be kidnapped and killed soon.

At that moment she already feels the urge to kill her boss in her mind for making her finish a very long report in the last minute. Thankfully, she managed to email her boss the report before she got home that day. Her boss needs them for his meeting the next day. The next day is Saturday even. Knowing her boss, he is workaholic. Just as long as he did not ruin her weekend that should be fine, El thought.

With her mind wanders for a second, she keeps walking straight. One thing she noticed; the world is actually sleeping that she felt that she can even hear her own breathing. The ground looks a bit damp signing that it could be raining before she arrived. She finally reached her junction. Just another turn to the left and she just need to go up the quite steep hill. Her junction is the last one on the street anyway.

"Why did I ever decide to buy this house?" she muttered, more like complaining to herself.

She quickened her steps as she goes up the hill. The road to her house feels a bit more eerie. And it is a little bit chilly that night.

"It must be the altitude,"

As the breeze blows lightly, an owl cooed on an unknown distant tree. This makes El starts to feel uneasy. Her hairs involuntarily stood up, she is having goosebumps. The other houses cannot be seen anymore as she goes up the hill. She is now surrounded by trees. When she looks up, there sit her house lit with two lights by the sides of her front door. She usually switches the lights on everytime she left the house in the morning just in case she will be home late. Just like how she is now. At one glance it looks like a vampire or some psychopath is living in there. Or simply the house really looks hunted. Even the gates that surrounded it screams enter at your own risk. But it is actually a beautiful pale pink house.

El opened the gate and it creaks. Suddenly she heard something brushed on the bush making the leaves rustled.


El's high heels clatter intensifies as she walks quickly towards her front door. The key chains on her bag clinks together. She took out the key from her hand bag with shaky hands. Her palms starting to sweat and her heartbeat gets faster as she tries to fit the key into the keyhole. She slammed shut her door and screams out of fear.

Breathing, heavily, she quickly locked the door. She was still frightened but at the same time relieved that she found herself safe inside the house. She turns on the lights and kicks her high heels off on the floor. It felt so much better. She plopped herself on the sofa and threw her hand bag on the side, trying to calm herself before going to wash herself up.

Just as she was about to get up, she heard something fell, upstairs. It's like a sound of a metal fell from something high on the floor.

"Mommy!" she can't help but to wail on the sofa.

She didn't move, her body is already shaking again from fear. She thought that she's safe and she is about to cry her heart out.

When she gained her courage, El gets up from the sofa and walks slowly towards the stairs. She's sobbing. El knew she is alone and that she also doesn't have any pets so it could be someone else in the house or ghosts! Her body sweats profusely making her hair stuck in her neck.

The steps creaked as she walked up the stairs, "Damn old creaky house!"

She cursed under her breath.

One step.

Two steps.

El's feet are trembling and she is now on the second floor. It feels intense; she can feel her heart had sunk inside her ribcage. El looks around and found a lamp cover on the floor. She sighed in relief.

"Damn lamp thing, I should take a shower!" leaving the cover on the floor she slammed her bedroom door shut.

I saw her enter her bedroom and looked at the lamp cover.


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