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The next day, Angie, El's best friend visited her at her house. Just, to finally congratulate her on her new job and that El's actually own her own house now.

El made Angie some breakfast, some toasts, sausages and some scrambled eggs. It was a simple breakfast but a hearty one. Angie couldn't thank her enough. She actually drove out at dawn and finally arrived at El's house at around 7 in the morning.

"It is a pretty house El," Angie commented while munching on her toasts.

El told Angie about what had happened the night before and how strangely the metal lamp cover was back on the ceiling.

"Angie, I was sure that I left that thing on the floor untouched and went straight to my bedroom!" flailing her hands as she speaks.

"Don't be so overdramatic!"

"How can I not?"

"You're just tired, maybe you see it wrongly," Angie can be absurdly optimistic about everything.

"Hey Ange, do you think you can stay with me?"

"El, as much as I want to, I can't move away from my family. You knew that,"

"Yea I know,"

Angie left in the afternoon, just after they were having their lunch together. She can't be there longer since she doesn't want to be caught in the traffic later on the way home.

"Alone again," El sighed as soon as Angie left.

She went straight to the kitchen to wash the dishes.

"What? Where's my egg?" El clearly remembered that she left some eggs on the plate just to save for her dinner that night.

'Am I starting to get crazy here? Or am I just too full?' El knew she is being paranoid now but she took the empty plate anyway.

Hey, you could've just told me that you wanted and extra eggs, you don't have to steal it from me. Ha ha. Text me when you arrived.


She's singing, washing the dishes, "She's beautiful,"


"Huh?" El thought she heard someone's talking, so she turned around only to find she is still on her own.


That afternoon, since El have nothing to do and she is too lazy to go out, she plopped herself again on the sofa in the living room. She took out her laptop and wondering what to browse. Just then her phone vibrates. She grabbed it and lay on her back on the sofa.

"What are you talking about? I didn't eat your eggs. Btw I'm just arrived and mom said hi," Angie replied.

That got El confused but reply to Angie anyway. She said hi to Angie's mother and put her phone back on the coffee table just in front of her. She sighed heavily, thinking that she must have been too exhausted to experience all these. She surfs into the internet and browsing through her Netflix account. There is technically nothing interest her so she moved on to Youtube to find any interesting videos to watch- probably if she can find any new videos from her favourite boy band.

She was on her laptop until the sun shone orange rays through her windows. The sun is almost setting. She got up and go to the kitchen to make herself a cup of coffee. She also brings her laptop with her and placed it on top of the kitchen counter.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

Just as she was boiling the water she heard something on the second floor again. The pounding sound like someone is walking along the small corridor upstairs.

Thud! Thud! Thud!

There it is again. Scared, El quickly runs to reach for her phone and the first person she can think of is Angie. She was panicking not knowing what she is supposed to do. She felt that something is totally not right.

"Hello? El?"

"Hey Ange!"

"Are you okay?"

"Ange! I think someone is in my house!" El said half whispering to the speaker.

"What? Hey what happened? Do you need to call the police?"

"El!" Angie shouted when El suddenly goes silent.

"I'm here. I think I heard someone walking upstairs and my eggs were gone! I was about to save it for dinner!" El was still sulking over her eggs despite the panic.

"Do you think you might want to check it out first? Maybe there are some wild animals broke into your house or it could be rats. Or call the police!"

"Can I just run down the street and dramatically asking for help? Just like a maniac?" Angie can't help but laugh because she knew El will definitely do that.

"No El. Come on. No time for jokes," Angie said still chuckling.

"I am being serious!"

"Okay! Okay! You have to call the police first. And let me know if you find anything alright?"

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