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Bacon, scrambled egg, sausage, El mouth waters seeing all the foods in front of her.

"Egh! This bacon is tough! I! Can't! Bite it off!" She grunted.

"Ow!" She felt like her teeth is pulling out. She was actually biting on her pillow, thinking that it was bacon.

"Oh my gosh!" She was embarrassed by herself.

But it does smells like bacon. She took her phone to look at the time. It was only 9.30 in the morning. Mr. Murphy informed her last night that she was given a leave for that day. She sniffed the good and delicious smell of food. She got herself up and followed them just like a scene in a cartoon.

'Did the ghost finally know how to serve itself a good meal?' She briefly thought.

Her hair is still a mess but she could care less. Drool stained on the side of her lips, she didn't aware of it. She slides on her slippers and walks groggily all the way down the kitchen. She can't think of anything at that moment all she want to do is to check out the kitchen.

Maybe it's the theft that took their time to make breakfast before stealing her belongings. Or maybe it's the ghost that decides to appear early in the morning. The smells are getting stronger as she is getting near the kitchen.

The closer she got the clearer she got the view of a tall lean figure facing it's back towards her. It's a man! From the back she can see that he got a broad shoulder and a very nice built. He has brown hair and he wears black t-shirt with black and white checkered pants. He also seems to be immersed in cooking that he didn't realise El was there.

"HO-LY MACARONI!" El unconsciously shouted and rolling her tongue pronouncing the R when the man turned around.

His brown hair dropped down over his forehead covering almost all of his eyes. He looked equally confused once seeing El standing there by the kitchen entrance. He let out an awkward cough when he put down the pan on a piece of cloth on the table. He then runs his fingers through is hair and it finally show his full face. He then gave El a warm smile.

"Ho-Hot!" El said loudly. She didn't even realise at what she is doing.

When the man smiles his eyes smiles too and two dimples appeared on both sides of his cheeks. His front teeth shown and his lips thinned as he smiles. He looks like a bunny slash puppy when he did that. He has fair and sparkling skin that El had the thought that she must ask him what are his skin care routine.

The man chuckles, "I think you might want to wash up first? I'll make you breakfast."

El was really astonished by the man's beauty that she only heard him chuckling. His voice is angelic.

"Huh?" El said when she's finally back to reality just one beat late.

The man motioned his index finger on the side of his lips. He was telling her that she got drool on her face. Thankfully El caught up quickly and she immediately touches her face. Her eyes are finally wide awake when she realised it. She shrieked and hurriedly ran into her room.

"That was embarrassing!" She said ad she slammed her door.

Minutes later she is fully dressed and clean. She put on her favourite black sweater and a nice and comfy grey jogger pants. She texted Angie about the man before she go back down to the kitchen where her housemate is. She assumed he is her housemate.

The man was resting his back on the chair while looking through his black iphone and chewing his food. His breakfast was already half eaten. El approached him slowly and sit in front of the man. When the man saw her he put his phone down and swipe his hair up again.

He cleared his throat, "so, good morning." Flashing a smile.

"Good morning," El replied slicing through her bacon into a bite size before putting it inside her mouth.

She couldn't afford to look at the man or her heart might explode.

He nodded, " I haven't introduce myself. I'm Jay."

"El." El gather her courage to look at Jay and tried to be as friendly as possible. Although she can feel her face is getting hotter.

"Nice to meet you," he said after an awkward silent between them.

El nod and continued to eat her breakfast. Jay finished first and attempted to take his dirty dishes in the sink but El stopped him.

"Oh wait, just put it down, I'll do it. You already made breakfast."

"Really? Thanks." He smiled again the  he left.

After Jay left and El had finished her breakfast she decided to take a walk at the park nearby. El left a note on the mirror on the wall that was close to the front door.

'I'm walking out for a walk'

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