A new and strange place

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3rd POV

"Naruto! It's good to see you still alive!" Kankuro exclaimed as Naruto walked into the Kazekage's office. "Yeah. Say...you wouldn't happen to know if that cute guard at the gates is single would ya?" Asked Naruto in a whispered tone while a smirk formed on his face. "Naruto! No! Bad fox!" Kankuro hollered with a shocked expression.

10 minutes later

Gaara walked into his office after getting a long ass lecture from his sister about taking care of himself and not focusing on work all the time only to see Naruto and Kankuro glaring at each other. "What happened now?" Gaara asked exasperated by the fact that this was common with them.

"I just asked if Kankuro knew if the really cute guard at the gates was single, and the bastard got mad at me and tied me to this chair when I tried to leave your office!" Naruto grumbled not taking his glare off of the puppet nin as his voice slowly got louder and more demonic. "N-Naruto!" Gaara said with his fists clenched "W-Wh-WHY!" Gaara practically yelled startling Naruto.

"Gaara let me explain! You see Tenten told me awhile ago she had seen a cute guard at the gates of Suna and she wanted me to help try and find out if h-" Naruto tried to explain but got cut off by Gaara. "ENOUGH" Gaara hollered, " I want you out of this office the moment those ropes are off and I don't want to see you anymore."

Gaara looked at Naruto as though he wanted to murder him while his sand was cutting the ropes. Once the ropes were cut Gaara was about to say something but was stopped by Naruto, " I know you don't want to see me. I'll be back tomorrow at noon before I leave to head back to Konoha to say a final goodbye...see ya Gaara." Naruto said, his voice quivering at the end as a tear slid down his face. "Na-" Gaara tried to ask Naruto why he was crying but before he could even get out one word Naruto disappeared.

"Damn Lil bro you basically said you were breaking up with him." Kankuro said sounding a little upset at something Gaara couldn't honestly care about at that time. "Why are you angry with me! He is the one trying to get with someone else!" Gaara yelled as Temari walked in with more files. "What's with all the yelling? Hey...wasn't Naruto supposed to be here?" Temari asked making both boys still.

"H-how'd you know he was supposed to be here?" Gaara asked afraid to hear the answer. "Tenten and I were talking with Naruto about his trip here since me and him were coming here together when she asked him to help her with the cute guard at the gates she has a thing for. Why? Wait...what happened?" Temari asked skeptically after looking at the rope on the ground.

"I-he did as Tenten asked but we didn't believe him and I-I told him I didn't want to see him anymore...he said he'd come by around noon tomorrow to say a final goodbye though." Gaara said as tears started to form in his eyes. Gaara didn't notice Temari walking towards him while Kankuro didn't have time to think about what Temari was doing before it had happened. Temari. Slapped. Gaara's. Face. "YOU ABSOLUTE IDIOT! NARUTO DID EVERYTHING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY HE EVEN CAME TO ME ASKING ABOUT TRANSFERING FROM KONOHA TO SUNA FOR YOU!" Temari screamed at Gaara who was frozen. "THE WHOLE POINT FOR HIS SHORT VISIT HERE WAS FOR HIM TO HELP WITH THE PAPERWORK TO HAVE HIM TRANSFER HERE!" Temari continued shocking the boys because she had sworn she would never lay a hand on Gaara let alone raise her voice in his direction after the whole Suna invasion thing when they were 12.

Kankuro looked between his sister who was fighting back tears and his brother who was frozen on the spot. "He came to show you something Gaara. He was so worried about it that he knew he couldn't just send a letter to tell you, he had to show you himself. I guess he might show you tomorrow or he'll leave keeping it a secret til the day he dies." Temari said with venom lacing her words at the end as she wiped a few tears away before turning on her heels and storming out of the room.

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