What's going on here?

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Kiri's POV

After the strange yet..cute guy finished talking Bakugou had finally managed to get half way out of All Might's grip and was growling somewhat quietly. I think All Might realized that Bakugou was after and would possibly harm the strange guy in some way so he tightened his hold on Bakugou in hopes to make Bakugou realize that he can't harm him.

Aizawa's POV

This...boy...ugh I'm too tired for this today but if I don't handle this I'm gonna get lectured by Nezu. "What's your name young man?" I asked in a demanding tone that told him I was not going to deal with any bullshit.

"Name?...OH MY NAME!....Uh..." this kid acted like he had no idea what his name was. I was getting annoyed quickly when finally he spoke again. "S-sorry I got caught up thinking...my name is Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze nice to mean ya." He said while giving off this huge ass smile that was too bright I had to look away for a few seconds.

"Can someone ple-" the strange boy, now dubbed Naruto, spoke but before he could finish his sentence his eyes closed and his body swayed. When Naruto was about to hit the ground however Bakugou wiggled his way out of All Might's hold and ran at him. Everyone was in utter shock wondering what Bakugou would do to this unconscious boy that no one moved to catch or defend him. Next thing we knew Bakugou was over where Naruto was and had managed to catch him just before he met the ground.

No one's POV

All Might, Kirishima and Aizawa were able to get out of their shock as Bakugou cradled Naruto in his arms and rocked back and forth while staring at his face. "H-hey Bakubro maybe you should give him over to Aizawa-sensei or All Might." Kirishima said trying to get Bakugou to let someone else take care of Naruto just in case Bakugou had a sudden surge of anger and ended up harming Naruto by accidentally setting off his quirk.

However what Kirishima said seemed to have the opposite effect than what was intended seeing as when Kirishima finished talking Bakugou's head shot up and glared daggers at Kirishima while growling and holding Naruto closer to his chest. He had stopped moving in favor on looking like he wanted to kill Kirishima in the most gruesome way possible. Bakugou didn't say anything, he just continued to glare and growl at anyone who moved or made even the slightest sound.

"N-no...st-STOP IT PLEASE" Naruto practically screamed at the end while whimpering. "Please....don't l-l-leave m-me." He continued to whimper as tears were running down his face. Bakugou's head snapped back down to look at Naruto and stopped paying attention to the people around them. Bakugou pulled Naruto's body up a little and began to rock back and forth once again while he lightly placed Naruto's head on his shoulder. Everyone watched as this scene played out because not only was the scariest person being nice to someone no one knew but also he was consoling the same person.

"Young Bakugou...I understand that you may not wish to put the boy in any danger so would you please take him to recovery girl." Bakugou looked at All Might, then at the unconscious boy in his arms. He slowly got up, positioned Naruto in his arms like a bride and began walking back inside.

__2 days later__
Bakugou's POV

When will he wake up. Will he wake up? No. I can't think like that. Wait....why am I so worried about him. I don't even know anything about him besides his name. When I noticed he was falling all I could think was what the hell... but after he got closer to the ground I felt...something? I don't know how to explain it. I just had the urge to go over and hug the life out of him and protect him if that makes sense.

The shitty extras from class have stopped by to check up on him but I refuse to let them near him. The old hag even came last night to try and get me to move from the chair I'm currently still sitting in or at least go home and sleep but I refuse to do that until he wakes up. I refuse to move and leave him alone when someone could come in and hurt him.

"N-no...not again pl-please..." Naruto whimpered softly. It seems as though he is have a nightmare. He has been like this since he passed out, I'm not exactly sure why but he has only been repeating a few words or names I think. Some times he will start crying after saying a sentence. "G-Gaara pl-please underst-understand I d-didn't mean I-it l-ike that." Here we go again...after he stopped talking he began to uncontrollably sob so I scooted closer (if that was possible) and began to wipe the tears off of his cheeks while kissing his forehead. It seemed that was the only way to calm him down at times like this.

I didn't notice that some of class 3-A and a few students from class 3-B came into the room me and Naruto were in. "Shh it's okay Naru. It's okay I'm here." I repeated twice. Those words always made him relax, heh I would be lying if I said he wasn't cute but I just couldn't find it in myself to think that way at the moment. Recovery Girl was perplexed by his healing ability she thought it may have been his quirk but when he was checked out, she said he didn't have a quirk yet his healing abilities were so good that it was like there wasn't anything there to begin with.

I grabbed his right hand and held onto it for a bit before whispering "hey...Naruto I don't know if you can hear me or not but...wake up soon I don't like how I know nothing about you yet I feel some kind of pull. I don't want to leave your side and I just want you to wake up. It kills me to hear your pained voice and that I can't help get rid of those nightmares for you." I began rubbing circles on his hand with my thumb as I leaned my body over and put his hand back down.

No one's POV

"Bakugou please refrain from doing anything weird to the unconscious boy" Iida said strictly while walking over to see Naruto's chart. "Hmm." Iida said contemplating asking Bakugou if he knew the information the class was just told or not. "Bakugou...did Recovery girl inform you that this boy is going to be transferred to the hospital if he does not wake up by tomorrow?" Bakugou's head snapped up and glared at Iida while his hand shot over and grabbed Naruto's right hand once again.

"No I was not informed." Bakugou growled out while continuing to glare at Iida. "Oh. I see. Well I thought you should know. After he gets transferred you will return to class and everything will be as right as rain. Plus if this boy wakes up the police will find out where his family is and take him home." Iida said with a firm tone that meant he was not joking nor was he going to argue about it.

"Uh...Iida-kun...I overheard Aizawa talk about Naruto not being in a database. So how would the police be able to find out where his family is?" Uraraka asked timidly hoping not to anger Bakugou or her friend. "What do you mean he isn't in a database he has to be." Iida questioned sounding confused. "It's cuz he's not from here duh." An unknown voice said clearly annoyed about something. "Now will SOMEONE explain what the hell is going on?!?" The voice continued as everyone slowly looked to where the voice was coming from only to see....

Heyyyyyy...sorry for not posting, I'm still working on a schedule for this and if you guys think that I'm just lazy I will tell you why I've had some issues. Currently one of my aunts has 2 tumors, 1 in her brain and 1 in her lung so I've had to help my mom with everything and I have to console her when she starts crying. The idiotic older brother of mine has been calling my house none stop idk why he is but my mom refuses to pick up and I'm not allowed to answer either. My mom has also made it her goal to force me to leave the house for over 30 minutes everyday and she won't stop trying to drag me to different parks every chance she gets sooo my life is hectic and before you ask, no my dad is NOT home he left for work 4 days ago and won't be back for a month since he has to go overseas. Oh also me and a good friend of mine have been planning some stuff for this story and we will divulge some of our plans for this story soon. Thank you guys so much for not yelling at me about my lack of updates! Byeeeeee 😁

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