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Uraraka's POV

"If I may ask, why did you say emotional injury? Did something happen?" I'm unsure if what I asked made him upset but suddenly a dark and dangerous feeling spread across the room. "Don't ask questions you might get killed for. My kit has no reason to inform you of anything from his life." He growled? "If we are to send you back we must have information on the place you come from." Aizawa-sensei said calmly.

"Even through the worst torture known to mankind we will NOT BREAK! You hear me! We will never submit to the likes of you mortals!" He howled. "" This time Bakugou spoke up, everything going on right now is really weird. "Simple. We have had assassins, murderers,and humble shop owners come after us. They thought we were dangerou- well I mean, I am, but my kit is harmless unless you go against him when he's angry. They'd try to kill us or 'show us our place' and I wanted so badly to end them all. They went after my kit and crucified him, though he would never die he was subjected to immense pain everyday."

Kurama looked down at his lap with a sad expression "Yet he chose to protect his home. He chose to put a smile on so that his so called friends wouldn't have to worry about him. And unlike Gaara his friends didn't jump to a decision without evidence or the other side of the story..." he grumbled the last part but it seemed to make Bakugou even more furious for some reason. Bakugou growled and grabbed onto Naruto's wrist. His head snapped to Bakugou but instead of growling he just stared at him and gave a soft almost non-existent smile. "I trust you..." he said before passing out once more.

~~~~~~ Kiri's POV (In the classroom)

"What happened in there?!?" Mina was freaking out. The dark and dangerous aura in there had been so great it freaking out practically everyone that was there. Well except for Bakugou...his reaction was strange to say the least...

"Mina we shouldn't be asking that until he's here. We don't know what will or could have happened in there." Iida spoke calmly even though he, himself, was still shaking.

"Okay, okay. But did anyone NOT remember that before he passed out once again he was looking at Bakugou with a soft smile and said he trusted Bakugou??? And what did he trust Bakugou with huh?!?" Sero shouted. Everyone nodded before we all started thinking separately. The door slid open to reveal recovery girl who had a couple sheets of papers in her hands.

"Alright, so I usually do not share information about my patients, however I do believe this is necessary for you all to know seeing how he reacted to you all surrounding him....Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze from the looks of it has been abused. Possibly all of his life if I looked at the scars correctly." Scars? What scars? "Um recovery girl, may I ask what scars you are talking about?" Momo asked curiously.

"There are scars all over his body my guess is that he was somehow able to hide them until he fell unconscious again. The only thing that has me befuddled is the fact that there is a large scar above his heart, and on his back directly on the other side. It would seem someone tried to rip out his heart or stab all the way through his body and it's an old scar, so it happened a couple years ago." She started while looking at the papers she had. As she continued to explain his conditions everyone stared in shock, he went through so much. How could he have survived everything???

No one noticed that there was someone standing outside the door until it slammed open scaring everyone in the classroom. *slam* "If you wanted to know about me and my issues you should have just asked." Naruto growled out. Wasn't Bakubro with him before we left? Why did he let him just get up and leave? "Tsk Naruto calm down these extras aren't worth it." Bakubro grumbled behind him as he helped Naruto walk over to Bakubro's seat. Ah there's the Bakubro we know, well minus the kind actions.

Hey guys....sorry for the very late and very short update. My family is still going through a ton of medical problems and I'm still waiting for results on something I did to figure out why I've had severe stomach issues since I was 3. My family is staying strong but it's definitely taking a toll on my mom as she will call me just to yell at me for something I have no control over. Life sucks and it's worse rn than it was most of your lives (depending on how old some of you are) but stay strong and stay safe.

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