Chapter 15

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Charlie's POV

We walked into the theater. Every thing was burned.

"Oh my gosh, what happened?" Nini asked.

"It's okay! Nobody was hurt." Ms. Jenn said calmly. "There was a small fire in the theater over the holiday and the sprinklers did their job."

"Little Fire? Every thing looks burnt!" I said as the firewoman came up to Ms. Jenn.

"We're almost done in here, just have to finish up in the faculty room next. Some circuits blew in there over the break. Unfortunately the show cannot go on."

"What!" Chase, EJ, Nini, Ricky, and me exclaimed, panicking.

"Fire ripped through half of your costumes and the sprinklers ruined a bunch of your sets. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to red tag the entire backstage area for a month at least." The firewoman said leaving us in disbelief.

"Did she just say costume?" Kourtney asked heartbroken. I gave her a side hug in comfort.

"Okay. Okay, listen up." Ms. Jenn said looking back at us holding a smoking basketball. "Hug you neighbor, take a moment," I looked at my neighbor and saw Ricky. We made eye contact and then we both looked away awkwardly. I grabbed Chases arm in comfort.

                **camera goes to Charlie**

"After I showed up at Chases house, I slept over. Not in a romantically way. Everyday since the passing of my grandma he tells everything's gonna be ok. It's been hard but I'm managing. But after that night me and Chase were best friend. We were closer than ever. It feels great having my best friend back." I said smiling, than my smile slowly faded. "Also I haven't talked to Ricky since the party. Yeah, soooo."

               **Back to the burnt theater**

"And let's reconvene in the cafeteria after school to talk about options." Ms. Jenn continued as I took out my phone to text Gina to ask if she was ok.  She hasn't been answering any of my text. Or anyone else. "Nini and Ricky spread the word."

"Got it. Yeah, Of course." Nini answered.

"Ricky?" Ms. Jenn asked him, a waiting for a response. I looked at Ricky and he was staring at Chases arm that I now realized was around my shoulder.

"Ricky!" She yelled making him look up at me than at Ms. Jenn.

"Huh? Sorry. After school in the cafeteria. Got it." He said, briefly looking at me than away.


Chase and I were sitting next to each other in the cafeteria. I was looking at the floor thinking of everything that was happening.

"Hey don't worry about this. I'm sure Ms. Jenn will find a way for the show to continue." Chase said making me look at him. I smiled and grabbed his hand.

I looked around and saw everyone looked panic . I saw Ricky who was looking at my hand which was holding chases hand. I let go of his hand. Chase looked me confused. I pointed my head to Ricky in a subtle way. Chase glanced at Ricky who was still looking at us not realizing we were talking about him.

"Ohhh I see." He smirked.

"Okay guys!" Ms. Jenn yelled out then looked around, "Wait where's Gina?" She asked.

"Family issue." I stated not going into details.

"Okay prayers to our Gina." Ms. Jenn said, "I'm really not sure what to say, you've all worked so hard. I've seen all of you grow so much. But if we don't have a theater, we don't have a show."

The start of something new: Ricky BowenWhere stories live. Discover now