😔 1 😳

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"Oi dumbass, lift up your shirt."


"You guys saw them too, right?" Various people from various teams nod their heads in agreement with Kageyama. Without further discussion, Bokuto and Kuroo hold each of Hinata's arms as Noya and  Kageyama grab the hem of his shirt and tug it upwards, revealing Hinata's stomach. Except, his stomach is covered in what can only be identified as hickeys, bruises, and bite marks. 

Flushing red, Hinata's kicks as the room falls silent, staring at the scene in front of them. Bokuto and Kuroo open their mouths to harass the younger, but are cut off by a rather loud Tanaka. "WHO THE HELL DID THIS TO HINATA? ARE THESE HICKEYS? WHO DARED LAY A FINGER ON HIM WITHOUT CONSENT?!" 


A quiet but not timid voice from the back pipes in, "How do you know it wasn't consensual? Based off-"


"Even if Hinata was the last person alive, I wouldn't willingly go near him, yet alone force myself onto him. I'm just saying that you and Noya-san need to stop jumping to conclusions." And with that, Tsukki left, not bothering to see the situation to its end. Yamaguchi seemed torn between following Tsukki and staying behind, but ultimately followed his friend out of the gym. 

Kenma, who had been interested enough to put his PSP down, decided to lazily add on to Tsukki's statement, "Maybe you guys should just ask Hinata what happened yourself." He then proceeded to continue his game, but listening in on what would happen next, clearly curious about who had done that to Hinata.

"Oi, dumbass, who the hell left these all over your torso?" Kageyama was clearly pissed that someone had the audacity to leave their marks all over his spiker. Rather than answering, Hinata's face became a deeper shade of red as the blush spread down his neck. He looked away from the group only to make direct eye contact with Kuroo, who was still holding his left arm. If only Kuroo and Bokuto hadn't come to harass Tsukki, then he may have been able to run and avoid the whole situation. Then again, that doesn't explain why Kenma had come as well. He never went out of his way to practice, yet he still came to "practice setting with Shouyo". 

Multiple people opened their mouths to question the orange haired boy, the gym door opened. As if he were an angel, Hinata's saving grace entered the gym. The surprise on Suga's face turned into anger for a fleeting moment before becoming concerned. No one seemed to notice the moment of anger except Hinata. Another thing no one noticed was how the concern on Suga's face was clearly faked. Hinata, who had grown accustomed to Suga's facial expressions, was quickly able to see through his facade, but was the only one.

"What are you guys doing to Sh- Hinata" Sugawara cut himself off mid-word, but nobody seemed to care as they were all preoccupied by Hinata's whole situation.

"HINATA IS COVERED IN HICKEYS AND BRUISES! CLEARLY WE ARE GONNA ASK HIM WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!" It's scary how Tanaka and Noya seem to share a brain cell. Suga's concerned expression turns back into his ever-constant smile as he lets out a sigh of relief. 

"Ah you guys scared me. I thought that Hinata had gotten into trouble again with the way that you were holding him!" Kuroo and Bokuto instantly released Hinata's arms at Suga's statement, taking it as a hint to let go, allowing Hinata to run away from them. Thinking he was trying to escape, multiple people reach out to grab him, but much to their shock, he runs to Sugawara. "Are you okay, Sho-Chan?"


"Sho-chan, I don't think-"

"WAIT A DAMN SECOND! WHY THE HELL AREN'T YOU WORRIED ABOUT THE HICKEYS? AND WHY ARE YOU CALLING HIM 'SHO-CHAN'?!" Everyone was silently asking themselves the same things, but we're composed enough to not shout it out like Tanaka had. Noya had quieted down slightly at the appearance of Suga, but still looked ready to beat someone up or shout out if something happened. Kageyama and Kuroo made faces of confusion. Well, Kageyama looked more pissed off if anything, but that was just his natural face. Bokuto's constant smile had faded but was still slightly there. Kenma just continued to listen and play his game. The tension in the air was thick enough to cut as Suga noticed he let Hinata's nickname slip.

Ignoring the other people in the gym, Suga turned to Hinata, whose face was slowly turning back into its normal color, and quietly spoke with him. The whispers went unheard by the rest of the group, and all they saw was a few nods from Hinata as he whispered to a seemingly serious Suga. The others watched, itching to get some answers from the duo. And they did.

"Why am I not worried about the hickeys? Well, Tanaka, that's an easy question. It's because I'm the one that left them there." The smile on Suga's face never wavered as Hinata turned into a tomato for the second time that night. The team was clearly shocked, judging by the shouts from even the quietest of members (Kenma).




"You and shrimp-chan?! Seriously?!"

"Oho, isn't this interesting!"

"Wait what? Shouyo and Sugawara are-?"

Based off of how loud they were, nobody would have guessed that most of the team had already gone home before the incident. 

"Uh, Suga-san-"

"Sho-chan, I told you not to call me that."

"K-Koushi-san, I wanna go home now. I'm tiirrreeedd." Hinata buried his face into Suga's arm as he mumbled out the sentence. Everyone quieted down at the exchange occurring and Hinata could feel the gazes of the entire gym on him as he stuttered out Suga's first name, their shock evident. Suga seemed unfazed by everything happening and just smiled as usual as he patted Hinata's head. 

"Of course Sho-chan. Goodnight everyone! Make sure to lock up before you leave." Suga turned to leave, but stopped and turned his head to look back at the stunned group. "Ah, and please keep everything about Sho-chan and I a little secret, 'kay?" His smile seemed more devious than sincere in that moment, as the volleyball players silently nodded, once again surprised, but this time by Suga's sudden change in nature.

Without looking back again, Suga lifted Hinata bridal style and carried the small boy out of the gym. "PUT ME DOWN SUG-"

"That's not what you're supposed to call me, Sho-chan~"


"That's better, but I'm afraid I can't do that."

Their conversation fades as they get farther and farther away from the gym, leaving the group to think about only one thing:

S-Suga-san and Hinata are fucking?!?

AN: Aight this is short af and I kinda don't like the way it turned out. I'm too lazy to change it tho and it's like 1am so let's just call it a day. Thanks for reading. Might continue, idk.

Aight bye ✌

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