✨ 2 😬 Part 1 👀

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A/N: So I realized that I'm a terrible human being for literally never updating so here's what I have done and edited for this chapter. I literally just need to edit and upload the rest of the chapter so enjoy this while you wait ✌

3rd POV, Limited (Hinata)

Did Hinata want to wake up? No, not really. Did Natsu dump a water bottle on him to get him out of bed? No, she did that last Monday when he refused to get out of the “safety” of his blankets. 

‘I’m no fool, though! As if I would fall for the same trick twice!’

That's exactly why Hinata woke up an hour early to surprise Natsu when she tried to wake him up with water again. What a great brother.

‘Ah-hah! Look who's soaked now!’ 

After Natsu made her displeasure with being soaked very clear with a series of loud remarks and complaining, the rest of the morning went as usual. The big brother had won today, but Natsu seemed to already be working on her revenge plan. Tossing away his concerns for future Hinata to worry about, the teen showered and did all that hygiene bizz before getting dressed and eating breakfast with his mom and Natsu as usual. Even though the latter was still angry at her brother for this morning's fiasco, she never missed out on pancakes.

"Mom, I'm heading off now! I'll see you after school!" 

"Stay safe! And enjoy practice!"

"I will! Bye!" After sticking his tongue out at Natsu, Hinata made his way out the door and got on his bike, ready to ride to school as usual. 

‘Wait. School. My bags are still in the house!’

Turning around, he dropped his bike where it was, which wasn’t very far from his house anyway, and sprinted back into said house, grabbing his school bag and practice bag before heading off again.

Meeting up with Bakayama at the intersection, the tangerine got off of his bike and walked the rest of the way to the school with the ever so constantly scowling teen. They obviously make small talk. Who just walks in silence? Not Hinata, obviously. Even Kageyama is sociable enough for conversation, even though nearly all of the actual conversing is done by Hinata and it mostly revolves around volleyball and what morning practice will be like. 

‘Ahh, I can't wait to see Suga-san at morning practice! Not seeing him for the whole weekend was a total bummer! Texting isn't the same as seeing him face to face…’

A small huff left the orangette’s mouth without him noticing, and Kageyama did the only sensible thing in response. He gave Hinata a weird look.

"What do you think you're looking at, Bakayama?"

"Clearly I'm looking at an idiot, dumbass."

"Are you looking for a fight?! I don't make faces at your scowling expression! Jerk!" For good measure, he impersonates Kageyama's scowl poorly, angering the taller teen even further.

"Maybe we should fight, midget!

"Who're you calling a-"

"You two are already arguing  so early in the morning, huh?" A scary presence behind Kageyama and Hinata seemed to snap them out of their bickering as they realized that the school was already next to them and Sugawara  was less than pleased at their bickering. They slowly turned their heads in sync to see Suga with a scary, closed-eye smile on his face.

"S-Sorry Suga senpai! We'll be quieter!" Finally something agreeable has left that idiot's mouth.

"Yeah, S-Suga senpai!" They both bow nearly 90 degrees in apology and try to rush off in the opposite direction of him. Boyfriend or not, an angry Suga is a Suga that Hinata doesn’t want to feel the wrath of. They both choke slightly and let out a huff of air as the back of the collar on their shirts are pulled and they’re both yanked backwards.

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