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A/N: This is completely unedited, so feel free to point out any spelling or grammar mistakes so I can fix them and not look like a total idiot for future readers 😳 This is sort of just a small drabble I did while I try to overcome a small block I've been having with the other chapter I was writing uwu

The warm light of spring beamed into the gym through the windows, creating bright streaks on the floors that highlighted the glistening sweat from the numerous boys in said gym. They were currently having a Saturday practice, something not too unusual for this crew of volleyball-obsessed teens. A few members had weekend plans with friends or family, while others straight up declined any sort of invitation to the extra practice session (Tsukishima). Hinata was, of course, the person to recommend this extra practice session and had Tanaka and Nishinoya help him recruit the rest of the team.

Even though it wasn't an official practice, Daichi still took on his role as captain, dishing out punishments and signalling for breaks. Every half an hour to an hour or so, once the heat inside the gym became near unbearable, Daichi would call out for a five minute water break, and everyone would collectively sigh and greedily chug their water.

So, almost like clockwork, Daichi loudly stated, "Listen up! Water break! Be back on the court in five unless you want to practice your dive-receives on the sidelines for the first ten minutes we resume!" Before the sentence could finish leaving his lips, the entire team as a collective was already at their bags getting water. Only this time, the infamous number 10 tilted his bottle back only to be met with a couple feeble drops of water. Sugawara's boyfriend instincts kicked in, and before Hinata could even call out that he was going to the water fountain to refill his bottle for at least the fourth time that day, Suga was already at his side.

"Hey Hinata! Since practice is almost over, you can just have some of my water instead! I just filled my bottle last break, so I have plenty to share." Hinata could have sworn that he saw a halo floating above his (secret) boyfriend's head and a holy aura shining around him as he eagerly took the bottle from Suga's outstretched hand and flashed a stunning smile before taking a long swig of water. As the orangette tipped his head back slightly and gulped down the water, the totally very mature second year known as Tanaka saw a golden opportunity to embarrass his innocent kouhai.

Popping up behind the couple out of nowhere, Tanaka shouted out, "Indirect kiss!" This effectively alerted the entire gym, and they all looked over at a fuming Sugawara and a choking Hinata.

"Tanaka," a stern voice sounded out, "that's not-"

"Do you wanna see a direct one too, Tanaka?" Daichi was curtly cut off by Sugawara, whose face had changed from furious to devious in the instant it took the captain to start scolding the troublemaker second-year.

Anyone that wasn't paying attention before definitely was now. Looks of shock spread throughout the gym like a virus, various members opening their mouths to gape at what they had heard leave the grey-hair male's mouth. Hinata finally stopped choking on his water only to start sputtering in embarrassment instead, his eyes as wide as saucers and his cheeks rivaling the color of tomatoes.

To further prove his point to the loud-mouthed spiker, Suga wrapped his arm around Hinata's waist and tugged him closer, so that their sides were pressed closely against each other with no space to spare. The older of the two turned his head so that Hinata's fluff of hair was in his face and used his free hand to tilt the younger male's, who was practically steaming due to all the blood that had rushed to his cheeks, head upwards. Leaning down slightly, Suga caused the boys' noses to touch and smirk as he averted his eyes to look at the team from the corner of his eyes.

It took exactly 5 seconds for the team to process what was happening in front of them. After the five seconds of silence that hardly ever blessed the gym, there was more than an uproar. The building practically shook with the volume of the voices that all rang out simultaneously. It sounded something like this:

"What. The. Actual. HELL am I watching?!"



"Suga, this isn't the time NOR the place for, uh, that-"

"HA, I called it! You owe me $10!

"No fair, Narita-! How was I supposed to expect this..."

"Oh my- d-do you guys want some, um, privacy? Shou-should I leave? I feel like I wasn't supposed to see, er, this-"

And what was Hinata doing during all of this? Breaking. Hinata.exe had stopped working the second Tanaka jumped behind him out of nowhere. The only thing he could think to do was hide his face in the crook of Suga's neck in a feeble attempt to hide from his shouting teammates.

Noticing his boyfriend's discomfort (which he had 100% planned for when stirring up this trouble), Sugawara pecked him on the nose lovingly before releasing the shorter boy's waist in favor of holding his hand instead and stepping in front of Hinata to hide him from the gazes of literally everyone else in the gym.

Finally falling out of his daze, Hinata appreciatively looked at the way his hand perfectly fit into Suga's large one and gave it a small squeeze as a form of thanks for taking him out of the spotlight. The sunshine child couldn't think of anything to say without just further embarrassing himself, so he just used his unoccupied hand to grip the back of his boyfriend's shirt and leaned his head against his toned back, thinking to himself, 'How on Earth are we gonna get out of this one-' before snickering to himself and just letting his much smarter boyfriend explain things.

Sugawara of course explained everything about how his cute boyfriend confessed to him earlier in the year, his face never losing its very triumphant smile as his eyes shone with pride.

A/N: I am actually too happy to finish the really long angst chapter I've been writing, so I wrote this for you guys while I try to get sad and finish the angst lmao. Also, all of your comments really light up my day, so thank you so much for actually sitting and reading this, even though I update only once in a blue moon at this point. 

AIght bye ✌ ily 👀

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2020 ⏰

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