Chapter 2

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To my suprise when I opened the door it wasn't Zayn it was my little brother with a smirk on his face and my angry looking mother.

-" Ohh your in trouble " Jaiden giggled and took off inside the house.

-" I'm sorry mum I really am with new school and doing homework I just forgot about Jaiden and..."

-" Look it's okay sweety I get it, but I promised Jaiden I would punish you so you have to babysit him"

-" But mum I had plans " I explained

-" Well whoever or whatever you can invite them here while you babysit your brother "

-" Okay bye mum " I sighed

-" Bye sweety bye J " She said kissing my cheek

" Bye muuumm " He yelled from the top of the stairs


After feeding my brother, making him shower, helping him with his homework, begging him to stay in his room and play video games while Zayn was over, and also cleaning up my room and the living room I finally sat down in the couch.

After a few minutes of just day dreaming the door bell rang and I raced to the door. First, I checked my hair in the mirror in the hall by the front door to make sure I look presentable. The door bell rang for the second time this time I did open the door.

I felt like I couldn't breath. Damn! Can he get any hotter? He was dressed in all black, longsleeve, skinny jeans, boots. Black was sooo his color. When I looked back up he just smirking at me and I blushed.

-" What did you expect you look hot. " I told him

If it's even possible his smirk get even bigger. Damn! If he kept smirking at me like that I was going to kiss him.

-" You look hot too. " he whispers in my ear

I felt my breath hitch and he smirks at the effect he had on me. We just stare at each other soaking up every detail about eachother's appearance until he speaks up.

-" So are you ready to go love? " he asks

-" Umm actually I can't I have to babysit my little brother so if you want we can re-schedule or you can come inside which ever one you want? "

-" I'll come inside. " he smirks


We were in my room on the bed just talking when I felt like putting my hair in a ponytail so I reach for my hair tie.

When Zayn gasps.

-" Are you okay? " I ask a little concerned

But he doesn't answer. His eyes are wide and his mouth is slightly open.

Instead he just pulls me on his lap. His next question throws me off.

-" You cut ? " he says

As he turn over my arm and traces the deep cuts with the pad of his fingers. Leaving a burning hot feeling every deep cut that he traced. Which made butterflies in my stomach.

-" Yeaaa... " I say slowly

I feel tears in my water line threating to spill. I can't help it but allow them to fall. Zayn is quick to wipe them and let my cry on his chest as he just holds me. This may sound crazy but I feel safe and warm like I belonged in his arms.

-" Don't cry baby. " he kissed my forehead

But I couldn't help it by this point I was sobbing.

-" Look baby it's okay. " he says

I force myself to look up and I see how he starts rolling up his sleeves. Once they were up he showed me both arms filled with deep cuts same as mine some even deeper. I looked up to meet his eyes I see and emotion of anger and pain in his eyes as he stares at the cuts. A tear rolls down his face, but just as he did I wipe his tears away and press my forehead to his.

-" You cut too? " ask confused as to why he would cut

-" Uhhh yeah... " he says slowly

-" Buut why? " I ask

-" How about this you tell me first and then i'll tell you? " he asks me

Looking in my eyes for approval I just nod my head unable to speak because of all of my sobbing.

I stop sobbing and relax at his touch as he lays my head back down on his chest like he liked it there.

-" Well, when me and my sister Amber were little my dad had an affair on my mum which had caused their divorce. My mum got full custody of me and my sister Amber we only got to see my dad once a month. Well one day me and Amber, I was like about 12, were getting ready to eat dinner with my mum, but I thought she was still in the kitchen when I told Amber about the sleep over me and Vanessa, my dad's daughter with his new wife the one he had an affair with well she got pregnant anyway since Amber had a doctors appiontment she couldn't go so I was telling her about it when my mum came and sat down at the table with us she asked me who was Vanessa, so I began to tell her about how my dad got re married and his daughter Vanessa. She was hurt and she began taking out the pain on me and my sister she beat us. I was about 13 and my sister was about 16 when there was a court day and the judge asked me and Amber who we wanted to live with Amber said my dad and my mum made me say her. She continued beating me and she said that I couldn't go near my dad and Amber ever again and that's when I started cutting myself. A few years passed and my mum got re married with David and got pregnant with Jaiden. I asked her if I could go visit my dad and Amber and she had agreed so I packed my bag for a week. I remember clearly that I had headache so I took some medicine and I fell asleep on the couch and left the bottle on the living room table and I guess Vanessa was going through a depressing stage and we couldn't leave medicine anywhere but I had totally forgot and she took the whole entire bottle I called the ambulence when I saw her lying down on the floor unconsious but it was to late... everybody said it wasn't my fault but it was if I hadn't been so careless." I explain taking a deep breath and blinking away the tears.

-" But baby it wasn't your fault " he says

-" Yes it was " I yell

I really didn't fell like talking about it anymore and he understood and changed the subject.

-" Does your mum know what happened? " he asks confused

-" Yes she was the one that sent me to therapy but ever since that day there is a part of me missing like Vanessa I loved her like she was my full blooded sister she was always there for me when Amber was away studying for final since she is three years older than me. Vanessa took part of me when she passed away and I havn't got it back yet... i'm just an abandoned soul " I say

-" I'll help you get it back baby I promise" he whisper in my ear and kisses my head

I smile up at him weakly.

He just holds me for awhile until I ask him to tell me his story.

Then he begans to till me why he cuts.

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